Turning towards Green Economy – Norwegian experience 24 April 2012, Sofia
A green economy - what do we need ? Consistent legislation and solid institutions A vast range of policy instruments Open information Sector integration and sector responsibility Research and monitoring International cooperation
The strategic goals of the Norwegian Government – a global view Key priorities for the Norwegian foreign policy Taking advantage from the emerging global economy Further internationalization of the Norwegian economy FDI attraction The EEA Agreement
EEA and Norway Grants Two Memoranda of Understanding signed in June 2011 Priority sectors EEA Grants Environmental protection and management Climate change and renewable energy Civil society Human and social development Protecting cultural heritage Priority sectors Norway Grants Green industry innovation Decent work and tripartite dialogue Human and social development Justice and home affairs
Increased competitiveness of green enterprises, including greening of existing industries, green innovation and green entrepreneurship Available funds for projects: at about 12 mill. EUR Expected outcomes are: a) Realisation of business opportunities of greening of the European economy b) More use of environmentally friendly technologies. Programme management – Innovation Norway PA 21 Green Industry Innovation Programme – an opportunity for the private sector
Projects to be funded To support projects which are both good for business and good for the environment All projects have to aim at a final result of improving the environmental performance of enterprises Additionally, projects need to fall inn under one (or more) of three categories: Environmental innovation Greening of new and existing enterprises Entrepreneurship Suggested activities Improvement of technolgy and processes Innovative services and smart purchasing Implement EU technology standards on environment Strategies for greening of management and production Development of publict strategies for green ind. dev. Cross-cutting training and awareness-raising Promotion of female and young entrepreneurship
Bulgarian private entities in partnership with Norwegian private entities Bulgarian NGO’s and Bulgarian public entities with a mandate that includes issues related to the development of the buisness environment in Bulgaria Target groups
Good practice – Solar park in Pripechene
Results - the energy produced for 1 year opertaion Washing the laundry at 60 degr. C times Using a 60W bulb hours Using a 20W energy saving bulb hours Making cup of coffee cups Toasting bread toasts Cooling beer litre Boiling breakfast eggs eggs Squeezing lemons lemons Working on computer hours Ironing shirts shirts Watching TV hours