When the bell rings you should be writing silently in your journal. "The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means.” -Oscar Wilde Do you agree with Oscar Wilde?
Remember: Materials: Make sure to always have your notebook. Make sure to always have something to write with. Make-up Course outline received Pretest Notes on: foreshadowing, imagery, characters, and plot pyramid. Perseus and review questions, or inference questions Notes on: genres, points of view, and mood and tone. Study Island fiction test. -IRP books will count as part of your participation grade TODAY -Grades are on MMS -Your Study Island assessment counted as your first TEST grade -Nonfiction begins on MONDAY
Literary Genres Genre- category or type of literature.
Three large categories Poetry Lyric Concrete Dramatic Narrative Epic Fiction Prose (Novels and short stories) Nonfiction (Biography, autobiography, letters, essays, and reports) Drama Serious and Tragedy Comic Melodrama Farce Try to think of an example text for each genre
Point of View First-person Look at the pronouns: “I” “My” “We” Third -person Look at the pronouns: “He” “She” “They” What point of view is “The Most Dangerous Game” written in?
Point of View Third-Person Limited Pronouns remain the same The reader can only know the thoughts/feelings/ inner workings of ONE character Third –person Omnicient Pronouns remain the same The reader is able to “jump” from character to character and know the inner workings of multiple characters
Dual literary devices READER AUTHOR MoodTone
MOOD How the READER FEELS while reading a story. What are some mood words? Energetic Calm Relaxed Tense Surprised
TONE How the AUTHOR FEELS towards their audience and subject of a piece. Tone words: Approving Proud Hostile Unconcerned Disrespectful
Book Talk Preparation Four note cards will be due for your book talk. We will work on the cards every Friday: Characters Plot/Setting/Conflict Theme/Mood/Tone Author(s) Remember, these cards are crucial to helping you out during the book talk. Each note card must have 10 facts from your book. Each fact must have an accompanying quote. I expect parenthetical citations after each quote. Example: (Rowling 95). Index cards WITHOUT quotes on the back only receive HALF credit
Author Name
-You must have your book with you -You must be reading silently. There is absolutely no reason to be talking. You talk, you lose all points for today. -Remember to fill out your Reading Logs before the end of class. -You need to be reading and working quietly until I tell you to pack up. -If you have any questions just raise your hand. IRP DAY!