® IBM Software Group © 2006 IBM Corporation Writing Good Use Cases Module 1: Introduction to Use-Case Modeling
2 Objectives When you complete this module, you should be able to: Define actor, use case, and use-case model List the benefits of use cases Explain how use cases fit into a requirements management process and the software development lifecycle
3 Use cases involve a shift in thinking From a focus on the function of a system To a focus on the value a system must deliver for its stakeholders
4 Actor An actor represents a role that a human, hardware device, or another system can play in relation to the system An actor is external to the system A complete set of actors describes all of the ways in which outside users communicate with the system Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation for actor: Actor
5 Use case A use case is… the specification of a set of actions performed by a system, which yields an observable result that is, typically, of value for one or more actors or other stakeholders of the system. (Unified Modeling Language - UML 2.0) Used to specify the behavior of a system, without revealing the internal structure of the system Use Case
6 Use cases contain software requirements Each use case Is a coherent unit of functionality provided by a system Describes sequences of actions that the system takes to deliver something of value to an actor Models a dialog between the system and actors Is a complete and meaningful flow of events from the perspective of a particular actor
7 Benefits of use cases Give context for requirements Put system requirements into logical sequences Illustrate why the system is necessary Help verify that all requirements are captured Are easy to understand Use terminology that customers and users understand Tell concrete stories of system use Verify stakeholder understanding Aid team communication and understanding Facilitate agreement with customers Facilitate the creation of test cases, documentation, and design Facilitate requirements reuse
8 Who should care about use cases? Analysts Customers Users Software architects Designers Testers Project managers Documentation writers
9 Guidelines for when to use use cases Good candidate System with behaviors that can be captured using a sequence of actions Example: Telephone switch System with a lot of externally observable behavior Example: Course Registration System Not a good candidate System with behaviors that cannot be captured using a sequence of actions Example: Compiler software
10 What is NOT a use case Functional decomposition User interface specification System design specifications
11 Use cases and other requirements Design constraints Operating systems Environments Compatibility Application standards FURPS Functionality Usability Reliability Performance Supportability Legal and regulatory requirements Federal Communication Commission Food and Drug Administration Department of Defense Canadian Standards Association European Union Directive Use Cases
12 What is a use-case model? Describes the functional requirements of a system in terms of use cases Links stakeholder needs to software requirements Serves as a planning tool Consists of actors and use cases
13 Capture a use-case model A use-case model is comprised of: Use-case diagrams (visual representation) Use-case specifications (text representation)
14 Use-case diagram Shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationships Defines clear boundaries of a system Identifies who or what interacts with the system Summarizes the behavior of the system Use case 1 Use case 2 Use case 3 The System Actor 1 Actor 3 Use case 1 Use case 2 Use case 3 Use case 1 Use case 2 Use case 3 The System Actor 1 Actor 3 Actor 2 Use-case diagram
15 Use-case specification A requirements document that contains the text of a use case, including: A description of the flow of events describing the interaction between actors and the system Other information, such as: Preconditions Postconditions Special requirements Key scenarios Subflows Use-case specification
16 Use cases and the requirements management process Find Actors and Use Cases Detail a Use Case IBM ® Rational Unified Process ® (RUP ® ) Requirements Management workflow Outline Use Cases
17 Use cases drive software development Verified byRealized by Implemented by Implementation Model Test Model Design Model Use-Case Model
18 Review What is an actor? What is a use case? What are some of the benefits of using use cases? What is a use-case model? What is a use-case diagram? What is a use-case specification? How does use-case modeling fit into the requirements management process? How does use-case modeling fit into the software development lifecycle?
19 Exercise 1: What is a use case? Given a list of potential use cases, determine which, if any, are use cases.