Innovate Core Program Execution - to initiate quick wins and support throughout the engagement Training - defines us against more traditional consultants and builds the self-sustaining value proposition Consulting - Focuses our efforts on the key leverage points of our client’s businesses and respect the bigger picture SSA Value: Results Capability A self-sustaining environment Key Initiatives to Improve SSA Core Value Proposition Add Additional Consulting Skills Associate Director position (in progress) More organized, ongoing training for consulting and execution skills (need to map out key needs, assign an owner) Reflect Value Proposition in Deployment Team Composition Ensure a mix of consulting (at beginning), execution and training resources for each client Align Deployment Management Processes Up-front work to identify the big opportunities/issues (briefing) and align with client – an Assessment product (let’s discuss) Ongoing review of progress in meeting big goals (using Shared Value template), monthly reporting back to client 1
Team 1: A) Add Additional Consulting Skills Ass. Directors –Sr. BBs / Lean Experts – with lots of project experience –Need to prepare for discussions with clients – need to be clear on position, experience, in training for MBB certification –Sub-contractors –Specialty talent – business leadership –On boarding processes Internal Training Needed –Slides/presentations –Communication –Strategy consulting –Core IP – (LSS/BRM) –Culture change –Finance
Team 1: B) Deployment Team Composition Availability Deployment Model Skill mix Location Client need/deployment need Industry experience Seniority/cost Versatility Duration (of commitment) Subcontractors?
Team 1: C) Up Front Work To ID Big Issues Process to ID business needs and align with SSA services Qualify the opportunity –Determine go-no-go threshold Competitive intelligence Agree on deployment performance success metrics with the client Periodic reviews –Formal client (monthly, qtrly.?) –NOT in lieu of ongoing discussions –Internal SSA reviews – monthly P&Ls, qtrly deployment performance? – same as client reviews?
Team 2: A) Add Additional Consulting Skills Skills Matrix –Soft Listening Negotiating Understanding Value Proposition Minimize “absolute” statements with clients –Hard Kaizen lean Project Mgt. Deployment mgt. experience Sales – understanding the process Consensus on matrix Assess SSA skills Also right SSA resource for client Better utilize on beach SSA resources to assist deployments generate revenue What is right mix ?
Team 2: B) Deployment Team Composition Reflect value proposition in deployment team Difficult to ID client a global lead SSA resources become “wedded” at client Better understanding of our client resource ass??? To assemble team –Client location/SSA –SSA skills match clients –Right SSA positions AD/Dir/Sr. Dir/MD
Team 2: C) Up Front Work To ID Big Issues Upfront work/Assessment product (BRM), best practices, –Preassessment Qs –Client research (10K, annual rept.) –Client interview w/Qs … pain/focus –Deliverables, metrics Ongoing process/reporting to client Dashboard … actions on Gaps. Monthly/Qtrly. Deployment reviews