Zombie Apocalypse Could you survive? ?
Do you want to look like this?? No? Then you must figure out how to escape the oncoming hoard.
When the director of “The Walking Dead,” yells cut, he quickly realizes the Zombies are not acting. It is a TRUE Zombie Apocalypse right here in Georgia! Watch a quick Ted Talk video on survival and then it is up to your collaborative group to figure out how to survive impending doom.
As you watch the video, pay attention to how to best decide where to flee. You begin your action plan from school. Where will you go? What will you bring? Where will you locate these resources?
What to consider: Can you transition to your location easily? – Consider waterways, highways and open land = trade corridors –Consider land forms and political borders that limit movement = trade barriers What PULL factors draw you to the location? [Climate? Resources? Supplies? Water? Land? Food? Defense? ] What PUSH factors would make living in region difficult? [Climate? Lack of resources? Unstable economy? High crime rate? Mass of zombies?]
Video decide-where-to-go-in-a-zombie-apocalypse- david-hunter decide-where-to-go-in-a-zombie-apocalypse- david-hunter
Work in collaborative groups to complete the survival guide. Everyone is responsible for jotting down ideas generated. After you’ve analyzed all six regions, highlight the region you think gives you the strongest chance of survival.
Day 2– Create a detailed survival plan. Start your escape from DMS. If everyone in your group agreed on the ultimate destination, work together to create an action plan. If someone in the group has a different plan, he/she can break off from the group and write an action plan of his/her own. Turn in separately.
Collecting data. We’ll go through each region. Represent the region you feel is the strongest. Explain why.
Appalachian Plateau Why?
Ridge & Valley Why?
Blue Ridge Why?
Inner Coastal Plain Why?
Outer Coastal Plain Why?