Professor: Cheng-Ho Chen Student: Hsu-Yung Wu Reporting date: 2015 / 06/ 11
OUTLINE Introduction Materials Experimental Results and discussion Conclusions 2
Introduction ● Lignin is a natural amorphous polymer, which, together with cellulose and hemicellulose. Its structure depends on the kind of process used for delignification. ● Lignin phenolic nature, many chemical modifications have been studied. For example, it has been used as a main chain on which other synthetic polymer chains can be grafted. 3
Introduction ● In the literature some papers have been published concerning the use of lignin as a stabilizer for plastics and rubbers. ● On the other hand, non-used lignin constitutes a major environmental problem, therefore it would be important to find for it new applications. 4
OUTLINE Introduction Materials Experimental Results and discussion Conclusions 5
Materials 1. linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) 2. low-density polyethylene (LDPE) 3. high-density polyethylene (HDPE) 4. polystyrene 5. atactic polystyrene 6. Lignin 6
OUTLINE Introduction Materials Experimental Results and discussion Conclusions 7
Experimental 8 synthetic polymers lignin The blends In a single screw and single chamber Brabender extruder In a nitrogen atmosphere
OUTLINE Introduction Materials Experimental Results and discussion Conclusions 9
Table 1 Samples examined in the present work
Fig. 1. DSC scan of lignin from 60 to 200 °C at 20 °C/min.
12 Fig. 2. Dependence of MFI as function of the lignin content in the blends with Flexirene, Riblene, Lupolen, PSA and PSD.
14 A. B. C.D. Fig. 3. Stress–strain curves for neat (A) Flexirene (B) LF10 (C) PSA (D). LPSA10.
16 Fig. 4. (a) DSC scan from 60 to 150 °C at 20 °C/min for Lupolen (a), LLU10 (b), LLU20 (c). (b) DSC scan from 50 to 200 °C at 20 °C/min for PSD (a), LPSD20 (b), LPSD30 (c).
17 Fig. 5. (a) ESEM micrograph of the fracture surface of Flexirene. (b) ESEM micrograph of the fracture surface of LF10. (c) ESEM micrograph of the fracture surface of Riblene. (d) ESEM micrograph of the fracture surface of LR10. (e) ESEM micrograph of the fracture of Lupolen. (f) ESEM micrograph of the fracture surface of LLU10. (g) ESEM micrograph of the fracture surface of PSD. (h) ESEM micrograph of the fracture surface of LPSD20.
OUTLINE Introduction Materials Experimental Results and discussion Conclusions 18
Conclusions 19 ● In the present case, a decrease in MFI is obtained. Therefore, our results appear encouraging in suggesting the use of straw-lignin as a processing stabilizer. ● the presence of lignin decreases the tensile strength and the elongation at breaking.
Conclusions 20 ● In the lignin-containing blends, we observe a much lower degradation than in the unblended polymer, while for Riblene and PSD not only a constancy of the molecular weight, which would indicate an antioxidant action by lignin, but even an increase.
Thank you for attention 21