Using institutional and library identifiers to ensure access to electronic resources NASIG 23rd Annual Conference “Taking the Sting Out of Serials” June 8, 2008 Don Hamparian, OCLC Helen Henderson, Ringgold John Shaw, Sage Publications
Identifiers Library Identifiers/Codes – ISIL – OCLC Symbol – MARC Org Code Institution Identifiers/Codes – SAN – GLN – D&B – CEIHE
California Postsecondary Education Commission - identifiers ATP Code Carnegie Classification Code CCC College ID CDS Code CEEB Code College Board Code COSAR Code CPEC Code Dunn & Bradstreet Number Federal Unit ID (IPEDS) FICE Code Institution Code OPE ID Record ID School Code Segment Code System Code
The Journal Supply Chain 1.Library inputs purchase order title-related information into local ILS 2.ILS order is sent to subscription agent 3.Agent enters data into its management system 4.Agent sends invoice to library 5.Agent sends confirming order to publisher (or publisher’s distributor) 6.Publisher (or distributor) checks order and price 7.Queries sent back to agent or forwarded to publisher 8.Agent corrects price or answers query 9.Publisher (or distributor) inputs data to fulfilment system and creates or updates the account 10.Publisher waits for payment from agent 11.Publisher receives payment 12.Publisher attributes payment to appropriate account 13.Publisher sends file of authorized accounts to hosting service 14.Hosting service sets up access file for authorized account and title 15.Library activates account or title for appropriate publisher.
Problems Name changes Agent changes Publisher changes Hosting platform changes Price changes Bundle changes License changes Authentication changes
WorldCat Registry Unique Identifier (WorldCat ID and secure HashID) Name (English and/or Native Language) Other standard identifiers e.g. ISIL, OCLC Symbol, SAN, NCES.. Electronic and Physical Location IP Address (secured for authorized retrieval) Library Services e.g. catalog url, virtual reference Relationships Contacts Search and retrieval Web Services
WorldCat Registry A global directory of libraries, their locations, contacts, and the services they provide – 93,000 records Free for all libraries to maintain and share with partners Pre-populated with data we already have, augmented by libraries and partners Centralized data essential for delivering content and services more efficiently on the Web
WorldCat Registry Usage How Libraries Use the Registry Register OpenURL Resolvers Register IP Addresses for authentication Share their complete profile with selected organizations How OCLC Uses the Registry OCLC uses it to configure WorldCat Local OPAC ‘Deep’ Links for fulfillment options
Registry Example: Georgia Institute of Technology ( rg/registry/Institutions /5090)
WorldCat Registry Usage How vendors use Registry data – OpenURL Gateway service – Read-only Registry Profile for customer data verification
Ringgold’s Identify database & services Institutional ID Name in local language Anglicized name Location Classification Size URL Related institutions Consortia membership
How publishers use Identify Uniquely identifies institutions and their components Groups publishers’ subscribers Facilitates production of holdings lists Defines consortia tiers Facilitates de-duplication and data cleansing Assists in integration of customer databases such as Fulfillment System and Online Platforms Increases efficiency of transitions between participating publishers
How intermediaries use Identify Agents can pass library information to publishers as single identifier Hosting services can offer all institution accounts for activation
Existing standards ICEDIS – Exchange of data between publishers and agents ONIX – Products & Subscriptions – Online Holdings – Release notification Linking ISSN
New standards & guidelines Project TRANSFER KBART IDEAL CORE
Identify & WorldCat Registry Potential Intersections Study whether we can map WorldCat Identifiers to Identify Institution Identifiers Link for publishers from institutions, their libraries and contacts Link for libraries to publishers, their contacts and titles
How these standards will help ease the pain Agent & publisher agree price Publisher identifies customer immediately & correctly Publisher knows consortium membership & entitlements Publisher transfers correct entitlements to hosting service Publishers & libraries have the same information on holdings
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