1 Rationale of gifted education Gifted students are a national resource vital to the social interest and security. Gifted students are a national resource.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Rationale of gifted education Gifted students are a national resource vital to the social interest and security. Gifted students are a national resource vital to the social interest and security. Gifted students have the right to differentied education that is especially appropriate for them. Gifted students have the right to differentied education that is especially appropriate for them. Regular school curriculum does not meet the needs of the gifted. Regular school curriculum does not meet the needs of the gifted.

2 Discrepancies between intellectual and emotional development of the gifted need special caring. Discrepancies between intellectual and emotional development of the gifted need special caring. Sub- groups of gifted children probably will be lost if special services not provided (child prodigy, learning disabled, underachievers, handicapped….). Sub- groups of gifted children probably will be lost if special services not provided (child prodigy, learning disabled, underachievers, handicapped….). Individual differences when so wide in the classroom will be out of the teacher’s control. Individual differences when so wide in the classroom will be out of the teacher’s control. Gifted education makes a positive impact and change in favor of all school students. Gifted education makes a positive impact and change in favor of all school students.

3 Definition of Giftedness Gifted and talented children are those identified by professionally qualified persons who by virtue of outstanding abilities are capable of high performance. These are children who require educational programs and/or services differentiated beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to realize their contribution to self and society.

4 Definition of Giftedness The term “gifted and talented”, when used with respect to students, children, or youth means students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic field, and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities. (Titel LX, Part A, Section 9101(22), p.544)

5 Five Domains of Giftedness & Talent 1.General intellectual ability 2.Specific academic ability 3.Creative/ productive ability 4.Psychosocial/ leadership ability 5.Visual/ performing arts ability

6 Gagne’ model Giftedness domainsCatalystFields of talent Intellectual Creative Socio-affective Sensormotor Environmental family Interests Motivation attitudes School Academic Technical Artistic Interpersonal Athletic

7 Enrichment Involves modifying the curriculum by adding breadth (i.e., new topics that are not at an advanced grade level) or depth (i.e., doing more with the same information that other students are learning). Enrichment does not advance the gifted student beyond his or her grade level.

8 Acceleration Involves allowing the gifted student to work above his or her grade level by increasing the pace of instruction and/ or skipping formal coverage of material the student already knows.

9 Counseling Individual counseling and small group discussions are needed to help gifted and talented students deal with their unique emotional, social, and academic difficulties. Parents may need counseling to cope with their children’s intensity, sensitivity, or perfectionism.

10  Hala is Jordanian a child prodigy  Her Stanford- Binet IQ is (165)  She can solve arithmetic problems up to 5 th grade level.  She can read daily newspapers.  She can read & write some English This is a real case This is a real case She has not been admitted to 1 st grade because she was (5) years and (5) months. What can her parents do?

11 Harold Brown At age 15: Graduated from Bronx high school, NY. At age 18: Graduated from Columbia Uni., NY. At age 21: Earned his Ph.D. in physics (US. Secretary of Defence under President Carter).

12 Norbert wiener At age 11: Graduated from a village high school, MA. At age 14: Graduated from Tufts college At age 18: Earned his Ph.D. in math. From Harvard (professor of math. at MIT, developed the science of cybernetics).

13 “ To have the intellect of an adult and the emotion of a child in a childish body is to encounter certain difficulties” (Hollingsworth, 1942, p. 282)