Forest Edge Mental Heath Team (School Psychologist, Social Worker, School Counselors and Behavioral Intervention Specialist)
School Counselors Sheila Murphy, Grades K – 3 Martha Hutchinson, Grades 3 – 6. Counseling : Individual and Small Group Classroom Guidance : Monthly lessons Collaboration/Communication : Student Observations, Consult with School staff, Parents, and outside resources Coordination : 504 Plans, Crisis Team, school-wide programs
Social Worker Bessie Defreitas Community collaboration and advocacy services/ Connecting families to resources School attendance interventions Homeless, temporary, and uncertain housing support, referral, and coordination Consultation and support to administrators, teachers, and parents
Social Worker, continued Crisis intervention Sociocultural assessments for special education eligibility Individual, group, and family counseling and support Evaluation, referral, and case management services
School Psychologist Ronne Lancaster Role of School Psychologists We support teachers’ ability to teach and students’ ability to learn. We are a ready resource to help ALL students achieve their best.
Behavioral Intervention Teacher Jill Flynn Works with assigned schools and school teams to help build teacher capacity to provide effective behavioral programming for a broad range of students. Provides in-service opportunities to assist staff in the development and implementation of research-based behavioral support programs.
Behavior Intervention Teacher Jill Flynn Assists schools in providing crisis intervention support. Assists parents in identifying and accessing behavior related FCPS and community resources available to students and their families.
Buzzer Questions This person prepares 6 th graders for their transition to middle school.
Martha Hutchinson
Buzzer Question My child is going to be absent from school for 4 weeks or more. Who should I call to find out what supports are available?
Bessie Defreitas
Buzzer Question This person assesses students’ cognitive functioning, processing abilities, and social-emotional functioning to help determine need for special education services.
Ronne Lancaster
Buzzer Question This person can attend parent-teacher conferences upon request for social- emotional support in the educational setting.
School counselors: Martha & Sheila
Buzzer Question My family must move to another residence due to hardship, or share a residence with another family. Who should I contact for support?
Bessie Defreitas
Buzzer Question This person provides individual and/or group counseling services for students struggling with social or emotional issues.
Trick question! School Counselors focus on this issue, but the school psychologist or school social worker can also provide this service.
Buzzer Question This person consults with teachers and staff to develop behavioral interventions to support students who exhibit prolonged and complex behavioral challenges.
Jill Flynn
Buzzer Question My second grader recently lost a loved one and is struggling with his/her feelings. Who should I contact for in-school support?
Sheila Murphy
Buzzer Question These two clinicians regularly sit in on Local Screening and Eligibility meetings to help determine need for special education services.
Trick question again! School psychologist and school social worker. Counselors attend as needed.
Buzzer Question This person consults with teachers to help provide educational interventions in the classroom and supports the creation of Individual Education Plans based on a student’s learning style.
Ronne Lancaster
Buzzer Question This person helps develop functional behavior assessments and behavior intervention plans.
School Psychologist and Behavior Intervention Specialist (BIS)
Buzzer Question This person coordinates with teachers and parents to develop a 504 plan.
School Counselors Martha: 3 – 6 Sheila: K - 3
Thanks for coming!