Dr. Sonia Bribiescas
A culture of respect and unity Building a community Creating strong relationships Setting strategic goals for student achievement Achieving excellence in everything we do
Students grade 4 and up… Who are motivated to learn, but may learn better in a non-traditional setting Who are prepared to invest significant time and energy into investigating different college and/or career opportunities Who have the capacity to set and attain goals Who are able and willing to commit to high expectations
Principal recommendation Teachers and administration have record of behaviors that indicate the student may require a different learning environment Teachers and administration have record of interventions attempted to help the student succeed in a traditional setting Teachers and administration have eliminated the possibility of special needs (CST has been completed; ELL is not a determining factor; McKinney-Vento is not a determining factor) Administration completes recommendation application and submits to the D.O. Parent request Due process requirement
Throughout the school year Kids attend either an entire semester, or a year There will be no transfer of students back to the home school in the middle of a semester Students can be recommended at any point during the school year
4 th -6 th graders are on-site, self-contained with a certified teacher 7 th -12 th graders are on-line, on-site, with certified teachers 7 th -12 th grades consist of four blocks of core classes, with small group pullouts throughout the day The day includes one period of extension classes which may include… (next slide)
Strategies (social skills, organization, goal setting, and career planning) P.E. and P.E. related activities Community Service Art Small Group Counseling Academic Counseling CAAFA Groups Guest Speakers