National Digital Orthoimagery Program (NDOP) Update to Coordination Group Chair: Anne O’Connor Census February 18, 2014 Coordination Group Meeting
2 Introduction The Purpose of the NDOP Subcommittee: The NDOP Subcommittee is responsible for developing, promoting, and executing a national strategy for the acquisition or development of orthoimagery data for Federal agencies while creating and utilizing partnerships with State, local, tribal, and private organizations. Serve as coordination body for Imagery Theme Member agencies: FSA, USGS, NGA, NRCS, FS, BLM, FEMA, NOAA, NSGIC, NPS, EPA, Census Bureau Chair rotates annually with the transition after the fall meeting Current Chair: Anne O’Connor
3 Recent Meetings The NDOP Steering Committee met May, 2013 via Teleconference NDOP Steering Committee Fall meeting held October 2013 via Teleconference and in person in Salt Lake City
4 FY 13 Imagery Datasets Dataset NameTheme Agency Dataset Manager Landsat - Multi Spectral ScannerImagery DOI-USGS Kristi Kline Landsat - Thematic MapperImagery DOI-USGS Kristi Kline Landsat - Enhanced Thematic Mapper +Imagery DOI-USGS Kristi Kline Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Imagery DOI-USGS & NASA Tom Sohre Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) - Land Imagery DOI-USGS & NASA Tom Sohre High Resolution OrthoimageryImagery DOI-USGS and DOD - NGA George Lee NAIP Imagery ImageryUSDA-FSA Kent Williams
5 Projects Urban Areas Program sponsored by NGA in partnership with USGS 1-foot resolution, leaf-off imagery Hope to continue to maintain a 3-year refresh cycle for all of the urban areas with a 2-year cycle for the top 50 cities
7 Projects Urban Areas 2014 – USGS National Geospatial Program eliminated “in-kind” services to the Urban Area Program Partnership development Quality Assurance Data Management and Delivery – ramp down Projects approved for continuation Geospatial Products and Services Contract (GPSC) will continue to be available
8 Projects Alaska Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative (SDMI) Imagery – SPOT Elevation – IFSAR
11 Projects National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) Meet Agency Requirements for Imagery NAIP was established and is funded by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) to meet mission requirements Minimize Costs Leverage Partnerships/Cost Sharing Appropriate Contract Management
12 Projects National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) Avoid Duplication of Effort NAIP platform can be leveraged for value added products Buy-ups Support Secondary contracts Primary requirements cannot be compromised
NAIP Funding History FSA Federal Partners State Partners
Meeting FSA Requirements Coverage FSARequirementActualSpecial Conditions Need to be able to support administration of annual FSA programs. Provide a current record of land use on ag land. CoverageAnnual2-2.5 years Statewide Collected within Crop Growing Season No reflights </= 10% cloud cover
Meeting FSA Requirements Usability of Imagery FSARequirementActual Need to be able to visually identify land use practices on ag land Resolution1 meter 4 Band
Meeting FSA Requirements Access to Imagery FSARequirementActual Need Imagery before Crops are harvested Delivery within 45 of season end “Early Access” Pilot
Meeting FSA Requirements Confidence and Integrity in FSA Programs FSARequirementActual Confidence In USDA FSA data Horizontal Accuracy 6 meters from true position 2-3 meters from true position Image DateCollection to the day Seam line metadata
NAIP Acquisition Plan Prioritize coverage by – Date of Current Imagery – FSA Priority
Buy Ups Buy-Ups – Half meter – Out of Cycle – Pre-Paid before Contract Task Award January 30 in year of acquisition Why should Other Fed/States Buy-Up? – Contract Administration – QA – Value add imagery in public domain
“Secondary” Contracts Secondary Contracts – After all deliverables have been made to FSA – Cannot Compromise Collection and/or Delivery Schedule of Primary Products
How it Works NAIP Annual Project Timeline Acquisition 66 days (avg. state) JAN FEB MAR APR MAYJUN JUL AUGSEPOCT NOVDEC
How it works Access/Delivery Acquisition JAN FEB MAR APR MAYJUN JUL AUGSEPOCT NOVDEC Contractor Hosted Services for each State USDA Hosted services for CONUS
Collection Within Seasons
Collection Within Seasons Impacts of Late Funding
NAIP Vintage as of
NAIP 2014 Planned Acquisition 2014
NAIP 2014 and 2015 Planned Acquisition
Questions/Contacts Kent Williams Deputy Director FSA/Aerial Photography Field Office Salt Lake City, UT Shirley Hall GIS Program Manager Farm Service Agency Washington, DC FSA/APFO website at: ct=landing&topic=landing
29 Next Steps In the coming months, the NDOP Subcommittee hopes to discuss: Complete DOI/FSA MOU for NAIP Continuation of Urban Area Program
30 Next Meeting The next meeting of the NDOP Subcommittee is TBD
31 Questions? Dick Vraga, USGS Shirley Hall, USDA-FSA