Terraria Bosses By: Patrick Usher
Easy Mode Bosses King Slime- Skeletron
King Slime This boss is the easiest boss of the game. Weakness: Anything King Slime->
Eye of Cthulhu The Eye of Cthulhu is one of the most easy boss of the game. It is the best boss to go against if you are new at the game. Weakness: Fire Arrows Stage 1-> Stage 2->
Brain of Cthulhu The Brain of Cthulhu is the second boss beginners should fight. He is the second to weakest in the line of bosses Weakness: Fire Arrows Stage 1-> <- Stage 2
Eater of Worlds This boss is one of the most time consuming bosses of the game. Weakness: Frost bait, Fire burn Eater of Worlds ->
Queen Bee Queen Bee is a fast boss that can only be found underground. Weakness: Anything Queen Bee->
Skeletron This boss has two skeletal hands that can be flanged at players. Weakness: Frost Bite Skeletron->
Hard Mode Bosses Wall of Flesh-The Destroyer
Wall of Flesh The Wall of Flesh is the boss or “gate way” to hard mode. Weakness: Nothing Wall of Flesh->
Twins The Twins are the evolved form of the Eye of Cthulhu. It has two eyes, one for biting and one for laser shooting. Weakness-> None Stage 1-> <- Stage 2
The Destroyer The Destroyer is the evolve form of the Eater of Worlds. It was made for mass destruction. Weakness: None The Destroyer->
Skeletron Prime Skeletron Prime is the evolved form of Skeletron. Weakness: Frost Bite Skeletron Prime->
Plantera Plantera is a hard mode boss that is only found in the underground jungle. Weakness: Burn Stage 1-> <-Stage 2
Golem The Golem is allowed to be spawned when you defeat Plantera. Weakness: None Golem ->
Duke Fishron He is another evolved form of Eye of Cthulhu yet is the fastest boss in the game. Weakness: None Duke Fishron->
Ocram Ocram is the final boss of terraria and can only be fought when on a console. He is the hardest boss of the game. NO WEAKNESS Stage 1-> Stage 2->
Lunatic Cultist They activate the Lunar Event Starts with 4 cult, then after you kill them there is a leader.
Moon Lord (The Ultimate Final Boss) He is the hardest. You have to destroy his body parts to win.
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