Montessori school students and French teachers wanted to create awareness about prevention and how easily you can save your life following rules and simple actions. They developed a classroom project and the result of that work was a road security festival with ludic activities to teach and enjoy.
Organisation RESPONSABLES AND PARTICIPANTS: French department teachers -Jihane Bousoufa – Tatiana Kwasniewski -Camille Zuiderduijn – Isabel Berrio Participants: -181 Students from : 9th – 10th and 11th grade
Classroom project 1 st step: The teacher-coach sets the stage for students with real- life samples of prevention and safety actions on the road. 2 nd step: Students take on the role of project designers
4th step: The teacher- coach and students negotiate the criteria for presenting and socializing the projects. 3rd step: Students discuss and gather background information needed for their work
5th step: Students gather the information and materials necessary for the project: theoretical and recreational activities. As well as receive a crash-course on drawing cartoons.
6th step: Students write, and prepare to present their projects in the “kermesse” festival. Introducing our road safety anthem. Working together Thinking strategies to win Racing to win Playing the game
Cartoon winners
7 th Students reflect on the process and results to evaluate the outcome of the festival. Links 1.Safety road anthem 2. Safety road page on facebook