Chapter 22 SW ASIA Religion, Politics and Oil
3 Religions in SW Asia Islam (Muslims) One God, Allah Muhammad messenger of Allah Judaism (Jews) Monotheism – based on the Old Testament Christianity – New Testament – story of Jesus – founder of Christianity
ISLAM Monotheistic religion Based on the teaching of the founder Muhammad first recitations of the Qur'an in the 7th century Qur'an
Five Pillars of Islam Faith (“no god but Allah) Prayer (5 times a day) Charity (support less fortunate) Fasting (don’t eat or drink during Ramadan) Pilgrimmage (to Mecca)
GOVERNMENTS CONTROLLED BY THE MUSLIMS Theocratic – religious leaders control the government Government depends on religious laws Often consult religious scholars
Ruhollah Khomeini
Iranian leader, called the Ayatollah (Arab., "gift of God," a religious title of honor), who led the revolution that toppled Muhammad Riza Shah Pahlavi in 1979.
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Helps member nations control world wide oil prices
CHANGING MODES OF TRANSPORTATION Cars, trucks, and cycles replace the Camel
MUSLIM SPIRITUAL TRADITION Month of Ramadan – Muslims fast from dawn to sunset July 9 to August 7 th (30 days)
MECCA Saudi Arabian city – Muslims holiest city Muslims need to make a pilgrimage to this holiest city of Islam
MOSQUE Place of worship for Muslims
The Eastern Mediterranean Section 2 What are the monotheistic religions What role does Jerusalem play in this region
MONOTHEISTIC RELIGIONS Islam Judaism Christianity
IMPORTANCE OF JERUSALEM Important part of each of their religious history
Dome of the Rock
a shrine in Jerusalem at the site from which Muhammad ascended through the seven heavens to the throne of God: built on the site of the Jewish Temple. which
Western Wall (Wailing Wall)
Western Wall a wall in Jerusalem where Jews, on certain occasions, assemble for prayer and lamentation: traditionally believed to be the remains of the western wall of Herod's temple, destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.
CREATION OF ISRAEL Came about in the 1940’s Jews needed a homeland after WWII
ZIONISM A movement that began in the 19 th century to create and support a Jewish homeland in Palestine
PALESTIAN LIBERATION ORGANIZATION Formed in the 1960’s Formed to regain the land for Palestinian Arabs (Muslims) PLO has used political and military means to take possession of Arab land in Israel
MESOPOTAMIA “Land between two rivers” Tigris and Euphrates
KURDS They are a nation of people without a land to legally occupy
OIL RESOURCES FUELS CLASHES OVER LAND Powerful nations want to control this resource and are willing to fight for them Kuwait
TALIBAN An extremist Muslim group in Afghanistan that imposed strict rules on people’s behavior
Osama Bin Laden