Units: 1.Renaissance & Reformation 2.Enlightenment & Revolution 3.Modern Europe 4.World Wars.


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Presentation transcript:

Units: 1.Renaissance & Reformation 2.Enlightenment & Revolution 3.Modern Europe 4.World Wars

Unit Topics: Feudalism Renaissance Wars of Religion Age of Discovery Catholicism vs. Protestantism

Activities: Survey of Renaissance art Create an Artifact from the 17 th or 18 th century

Unit Topics: Enlightenment & Philosophers Despotic Rulers & Absolutism American Revolution French Revolution Napoleon Bonaparte

Activities: Salon Assignment – Choose a historical figure of this time period and role them in the classroom Mock Trial of Louis XVI Photo Story – Describes the Enlightenment period through visuals

Unit Topics: Industrial Revolution Congress of Vienna Age of Imperialism & Colonialism Slavery & Social Darwinism

Activities: Children’s Storybook Assignment – research an influential person of the 19 th or 20 th century; utilize text and visuals to describe the person’s philosophical approach

Unit Topics: World War I Interwar Period World War II

Activities: Poster Board Exposition – Using visuals and text, describe a person/event from the unit Primary Source Document Seminars – Analyze primary source document of a historical figure and teach his/her ideologies to the class

 You will research and write about a historical topic that is engaging to you:  Christopher Columbus – Good or Evil?  Are humans inherently selfish?  George Washington – Success or Failure?

 This will be based on all the units studied throughout the course