Teacher Gradebook Assignment Module Post course outline/syllabus as well as all assignments and inclusions Input marks for assignments, tests etc. and have that accumulating history and progress immediately available to students & parents thru PC and SC Produce Interim report cards (or efile) that include gradebook results, attendance, PLUS add additional narrative, work habit or other marks as necessary. Automatic load to official school report card (if applicable)
Gradebook Environment No initial setup at teacher level - students are there, valid grades are there, terms, course and sections … all done. Just define your own per course/section rules and you are ready to go. 100% integration with CIMS. No importing/exporting, immediately available to Parent Connect/Admin Connect. No need to maintain separate teacher websites.. Simpler for teacher and simpler for parents not having to maneuver 8 different teacher websites No need to maintain separate Parent/student S/W and Ids.
Gradebook Usage Number of Unique Course/Sections using Gradebook Campbell River Course/Sections SD Course/Secs (100+teachers), up to 95 assignments in one course/section! SD83 - some assignments: 60 Course/Sections defined Delta - Lots of training and working with schools, 1358 course/sections (150+ teachers)
Gradebook Setup (Per Course & Section) Define multiple reporting periods only if you consciously want to calculate an overall mark dependent to each grading period. **Many teachers do not understand this and want to setup T1, T2, T3 unnecessarily! Display Overall Mark to PC/SC means Yes, always how an accumulating overall mark in the Parent/Student Connect products Exclude is a QUICK way to totally turn this course off to PC/SC CAN copy setup from Previous Year!!!!!
Gradebook Setup Groups Creating groups will allow you to easily syncronize assignments and setup across all courses in that group. Setup your Group(s) … then as you define one course within that group or add an assignment - there is the opportunity to ‘syncronize the group’ Default block OFF means do not bring all students from that group together on student view (true if you teach say 6 sections of English 12 - want to sync courses but not see all students together) Big Feature, Easy to miss as it is on the far right of most screens and you have to select
Gradebook Assignment Setup Task# is so you can reorganize the assignments in your own custom order. This will allow you to sort order on Profile Print and for summary sheets. Weight: Leave default as 100% in order to calculate normally. If you want to mark something but not have it count in average then indicate a weight of 0. Display Marks to Parent: Leave blank until you are ready to have marks appear to parents else they will see 0 Include mark in calc: Leave blank until marked else will calculate right now in overall average at 0 Grade Bucket: Use this strictly for reporting to be able to group activity into reporting periods. Desc/Heading: Use Heading and description to describe the assignment fully and control how it appears on profile print (reduced). Attach Document(s) Reminder to group Can direct students to a URL
Gradebook Mark Assignments Mark either in a spreadsheet (many assignments at once) or per assignment. Important to know when to mark excluded, and when to check assignment as, Ability to Assignment results with or without names. Can.PDF and add back as an assignment (Test Result) Uncheck Enter Mark Only to be able to exclude mark, change date, or add comments!
Gradebook Assignment Summary Summary ability to show and accumulate gradebook marks PLUS report card items narrative, work habits, comment codes. Print Profiles, Print Summary Spreadsheets Last page is VERY important. Confirms each assignments weight, whether it is included in calculation, etc. MUST CHECK
Gradebook Goals and Enhancements Be able to report, categorize, and calculate based on strand - user defined course groupings (in this course we covered Topics A worth 15%, B worth 60%, and C worth 25% - each had assignments and tests that were weighted based on course setup). Add something to setup to be able to limit views and reports to show letter grade only. Allow assignments and numerics to be entered but listings and profiles should translate to a letter value. Be able to manage the cursor better to control quick input on the summary screens.