K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators Copyright © 2011, FCMAT/California School Information Services July 1, 2012
Agenda State Reporting Changes Reporting Requirements Overview Why should you care about CALPADS? How CALPADS data are used Consequences for Not Certifying Submission content Lessons Learned Best Practices Resources K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
3 Session Objectives Participants will have an understanding of: How state reporting has transitioned in recent years The scope of data included in required reporting and how it is used Lessons learned from successful and unsuccessful LEAs in state reporting Best practices for data management Resources for data and support
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Transitions in State Reporting
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Transitions in State Reporting No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 requires increased accountability for student achievement California must track individual student enrollment history and achievement data over time Data required to meet federal NCLB requirements include statewide assessment data, enrollment data, teacher assignment data, and other elements
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Transitions in State Reporting California’s response to the NCLB accountability tracking requirement Reporting based on statewide identifiers Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) Individual-level data v. aggregate reporting Multiple collections throughout the school year
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Reports Transitioned/ Transitioning to CALPADS CBEDS Professional Assignment Information form (PAIF) County District Information form (CDIF) – except classified staff, projected teacher hires and graduation requirements School Information form (SIF) – except selected classified staff, technology counts, and selected education options enrollment Language Census (LCEN) Student National Origin Report (SNOR) Carl Perkins Majority of SECONDARY data (excluding adult participants) ConApp Discipline and truancy
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Impact of Changes in State Reporting on LEAs All changes in student enrollments, demographics, and program eligibility/ participation must be reported to CALPADS Detailed data elements – many not collected previously Student information systems may not be completely compliant with requirements Tech staff abandoned by program and site staff Impact on schools with high mobility
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, CALPADS Design Repository of statewide student identifiers (SSIDs) SSID is key to CALPADS and accountability systems Data is submitted throughout the year as students enter and exit schools Multiple collections throughout the school year Each collection has a set of certification reports that must be verified and certified Each collection requires two levels of digital certification
CALPADS Users 10 School Users LEA Users CALPADS Administrator Create accounts Maintain accounts Train local staff Contact support Manage codes Submit and post data for any or all schools in LEA Certify submissions Submit and post data for specific schools depending on roles K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
Why Should You Care About CALPADS? How CALPADS Data Are Used Consequences for Not Certifying Submission Content Reporting Requirements Overview K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
Official Enrollment Counts used for: Budget projections Multiple enrollment-based funding formulas Why Should You Care About CALPADS? K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
Aggregate data are published on DataQuest to provide the general public aggregate information on the state’s schools Data are used to respond to report requests from policy makers, researchers, and other entities Why Should You Care About CALPADS? K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
State Reports California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) Language Census Governmental Code sections and California Code of Regulations, Title V, Section 97 Federal Reports State NCLB Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) – Public Laws and Student National Origin Report Carl Perkins Titles VI and IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, How CALPADS Data are Used
Fall 1, Fall 2, or Spring 1 Certification Deadline: LEAs that do not certify by the certification deadline will not be able to preview their data in DataQuest 16 Consequences for Not Certifying
Fall 1 Amendment Deadline: Zero enrollment reported if Fall 1 is not certified, which will reduce any State or Federal program funds based on enrollment Schools marked as failing AYP if Fall 1 is not certified (schools serving grades 7-12 only) NCLB Title III Immigrant Program funding will be 0 if Fall 2 or Spring 1 are not certified 17 Consequences for Not Certifying
Fall 1 Amendment Deadline: LEA will not fulfill federal reporting requirements which include Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) LEA DataQuest reports will show 0 18 Consequences for Not Certifying
Fall 2 Amendment Deadline: NCLB Title III Immigrant Program funding will be 0 if Fall 2 or Spring 1 are not certified LEA will not fulfill federal reporting requirements which include Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) if Fall 2 is not certified LEA DataQuest reports will show 0 19 Consequences for Not Certifying
Spring 1 Amendment Deadline: NCLB Title III Immigrant Program funding will be 0 if Fall 2 or Spring 1 are not certified Economic Impact Aide (EIA) funding will be 0 if Spring 1 is not certified LEA DataQuest reports will show 0 20 Consequences for Not Certifying
Fall 1, Fall 2, Spring 1, or End-of-Year 1-4 Amendment Deadline: LEAs that do not certify will be higher on the list for a compliance audit Authorizing Agency has grounds for non-renewal or revocation of an independently reporting charter 21 Consequences for Not Certifying
Data in CALPADS are aggregated to determine Student Enrollment on Information Day Title III Eligible Immigrants on Information Day Prior Year Completers and Dropouts Disaggregated by School Grade Race/Ethnicity Gender NCLB Subgroups English Learners Special Ed Limited English Proficient (ELs and Selected RFEP) Socioeconomically Disadvantaged K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Fall 1 Content Areas
Fall 2 Content Areas Data are submitted and aggregated based on information day* for English Learners Certificated staff and assignments Courses offered and which students are enrolled Summary of certification report content…. Services to English Learners and staff providing those services NCLB Compliance for Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) Certificated Staff counts (full-time equivalents) by assignment K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, * Plus 30 days for year-round schools that are off-track on information day
Fall 2 Certification Report Sample K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
Spring 1 Content Areas Data is aggregated based on Spring information day for English Learners English Learners Reclassified Fluent (RFEP) during the Report Period Title III Eligible Immigrants Certification reports include Title III Eligible Immigrants English Learners, RFEPs, IFEPs, and TBD by primary language Students reclassified during the report period K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
End of Year Content Areas Data is aggregated for the academic year Course completion for 7-12 students in departmentalized settings Selected program participation Disciplinary incidents and truancies Requested CAHSEE Waivers K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
End of Year Content Areas Certification reports include Course Sections Completed – Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses Career Technical Education Participants – Count Disaggregated Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway Program Participants – Count Homeless Students Enrolled K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
End of Year Content Areas Certification reports include CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions – Count Discipline Incidents – Count by Most Severe Offenses Discipline Actions – Count Discipline Actions – Count by Offense Discipline Actions – Persistently Dangerous Offense Explulsions K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, California Basic Education Data System – Online Reporting Application (CBEDS-ORA) A web-based application to collect LEA: Contact Information Institution information Address information Student Educational Options Education Calendar School Status Classified Staff Information
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, LESSONS LEARNED
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Teamwork! CALPADS reporting is NOT an IT project – it is an LEA project CALPADS data crosses the LEA Understanding the requirements, scope and timing of reporting is critical Subject matter expertise is required Updating CALPADS throughout the year saves time and resources Two-level certification – 2 nd level is Superintendent Certify
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, The Right Person for the Job Get the right person to coordinate Mix of technical, operational knowledge, and organizational skills required Allocate adequate resources One person cannot do everything They need your support
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, It’s Complicated There’s a lot of documentation and terminology People make assumptions and mistakes Staff training is critical Cannot be done without training New interpretations, processing rules, and “fixes” are implemented throughout the year
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Things go Wrong There are many single points of failure And some times it has nothing to do with local action or inaction Small changes can have a big impact Getting the right SSID can save a lot of time later You need a backup plan And backup staff Cross-training for key positions Sometimes it is the system’s fault
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Things go Right Data collected as part of daily operations Performing regular data audits identifies problems early Feedback provided to sites Incorporate into training and support materials Data maintained in CALPADS throughout the school year reduces work at submission time Data Management teams create synergy People working together reduces the overall workload for everyone
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, BEST PRACTICES
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Best Practices for Data Management Support a functioning Data Management Team Should be cross-functional Distribute responsibilities
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Best Practices for Data Management IDENTIFY SYSTEM OF RECORD STUDENT SYSTEM Student Name Address Gender - Ethnicity Birth date Parent Info Disability Codes IEP Info – Services Student Name Gender – Ethnicity Birth date SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER INFO NAME EXPERIENCE CREDENTIALS HUMAN RESOURCES FOOD SERVICES FREE/REDUCED INFO STUDENT NAME ADDRESS PARENT INFO Special Ed Staff HR Staff Food Service Staff School Site Staff DESIGNATE DATA STEWARDS
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Best Practices for Data Management Take a systematic approach to systems Make sure systems can work together Evaluate the total cost of ownership Reduce redundancies by linking data systems
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Best Practices for Data Management Provide staff development for all involved in data collection, reporting and analysis Support Good Data Entry Practices
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Provide a support system Document Systems and Processes Support Data Quality Audit data regularly Leverage other resources Best Practices for Data Management
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Summary Transitions in State Reporting Reporting Requirements Overview Lessons Learned Best Practices Resources
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, FCMAT Services Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) supports LEAs to fulfill their financial and management responsibilities by providing: Fiscal oversight and assistance Management assistance by request Training and other related school business services
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Resources CSIS CDE CALPADS CALTIDES CBEDS-ORA
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, CSIS Resources Data Management Resources CALPADS Job Aides CSIS CALPADS Documents
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Resources Listservs CALPADS: CSIS: CETPA
Please Complete Our Survey K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0,
K-12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators, v1.0, Questions