Brian Reich Load Serving Organization Training Leader Idaho Power Company WECC Operating Committee Operations Training Subcommittee October Salt Lake City, UT
2 Approval : –None Membership: –Retiring: Hank LuBean, Richard Krajewski –Replacing members: Arlen Simon, –New members: Ed Fresquez, Alvin Pinkston –OTS Leadership Changes: Bill Simmons - Vice-Chair Approval Items / Membership
3 NERC – Personnel Subcommittee (PS) CE Program – o Considering performance risk factors: –Aging workforce –Cognitive Overload –Operating Philosophy –Gaps in industry Learning o Request additional Continuing Education Reviewers for Panel (CERP) Program SOCCED Project: o A three year improvement plan is underway to address each of the user accounts and their accompanying administrative views. Phase II on hold for further review prior to release
4 NERC – Personnel Certification Governance Committee (PCGC) Carry over hours – Question about the carry over hours limited to 6 months prior to renewal. Issue has been submitted to PCGC for discussion.
5 Restoration Training o In Spring during “TAC” training Directives o COM-002 Training underway addressing directives Cross Training o Looking at providing the opportunities for cross-training with RC and attending entity training. PEAK RC Update
courses remaining: Train the Trainers Workshop – Highly Successful! o Over 65 attendees o Several guest speakers Colorado State University Sacramento Municipal Utility District WECC Compliance WECC Training Update
Survey vs. Attendance WECC Training Update
Calendar 2014 lesson learned : Don’t schedule any WECC classes during the Spring Training “TAC’s” results in poor attendances
9 Workshops/Meetings Proposed 2015 OTS Meetings –January 13-14Salt Lake City, UT –April 7-8Salt Lake City, UT –July 27-28TBD Workshops –October 28-30, 2014HPWG – Portland, OR –July 28-31, 2015Train the Trainer Workshop
2014 OTS Leadership : Brian Reich – Idaho - Chair Bill Simmons– SMUD- Vice Chair THANKS!