Results-Based Accountability Framework The Integrated Contracting Way A six step process
A simple method that sets out in plain language what results are to be achieved for a target group, how to achieve them and how to measure them Based on the principles of using: –Common language –A common approach (agreement that we all want the same or similar results), and –Common sense Results-Based Framework
Benefits Simple step-by-step process Puts everyone on the same page quickly Makes sense, and ….it makes sense
Questions for Steps 1-3 Who are the services being delivered to? What services are being delivered/funded? What result do you expect to achieve for the client group through the delivery of these services?
Moving from talk to action this is the client group these are the services delivered to that client group this is the result I want to achieve What will that look like? How will I measure it?
Questions for Steps 4-6 Count the right things right. How much service was delivered? How well was the service delivered? Timeliness of service delivery, staff are qualified/trained to deliver the service Was anyone better off? What change/s took place with the client?
Results-based framework
Step Process Questions / explanations Youth Provider X 1Identify the client group. Who are the services being delivered to? Young people in the Horowhenua aged up to 19 years, who have drug and alcohol issues, are offending or re-offending or have other at-risk behaviour, and their family/whanau. 2 Identify services delivered to the client group. What services do you provide? What services do you fund? Strengthening Families Counselling services and programmes A&D awareness and education programmes Clients assessed, client plans implemented and monitored 3 How does the service contribute to the quality of life for children, families and communities? Agree on the result for client group. What result/s do you expect to achieve for the client group through the delivery of these services? Long-term Improved social outcomes for children, young people and their families/whanau. Short-term Empowering families and young people so that young people are in education, work or work-based training, and have reduced at-risk behaviour relating to alcohol and drug harm, and offending. What will that look like? Young people will be actively engaged in paid employment Young people will be actively engaged on training programmes through to completion of the programme Rate of offending will reduce while YP are on the programme, 6mths after exit, 12mths after exit Results framework in action
How will we measure the results? 4Count the right things right. How much service did you deliver? # clients assessed # client intervention plans completed # A&D programmes provided # of youth participating in A&D programmes # of youth participating in work-training programmes 5Identify quality measures: e.g. timeliness of services delivered staff are qualified/trained to deliver services. How well was the service delivered? % client assessments completed within one month of initial contact % client plans agreed to by the client and implemented within two months of initial contact % staff are qualified, accredited or trained to deliver services / programmes % young people and their families are engaged in the SF process until completion of the SF process 6Identify what change/s took place with the client Was anyone better off?#/% clients in paid employment #/% clients engaged in training activities % clients who remain in training through to completion % clients placed on the programme who did not offend during the reporting period % clients who did not offend after 6mths of leaving the programme, after 12months. FROM TALK to ACTION
More information Mark Friedman ’ s website: –