AGENDA 2:00 – 2:30 Universal Triage Questions 2:30 – 3:30 Elaine Gallant from ITD
TRIAGE QUESTIONS COMMONLY FOUND Universal data elements Name Social Security Number Date of Birth Race Ethnicity Gender Veteran Status Disabling Condition Residence Prior to Program Entry Zip Code of Last Permanent Address Housing Status etc For our purposes, we should assume the updated 2014 elements and move forward with triage questions
TRIAGE QUESTIONS COMMONLY FOUND Do you have a place to sleep tonight? // Where did you sleep last night? // Are you currently homeless? Do you have children under 18 years old that are staying with you? Are you 14 days from being homeless? // Do you have a letter from LL asking you to leave? // Have you been to court for an eviction? Do you normally take medication for a medical condition (Mental Health Condition?) Do you have that medication? Are you disabled? // Do you have a disability? // Are you able to work? Are you in recovery? // Do you use drugs or alcohol? // When was the last time you used alcohol or drugs? Are you currently on probation, parole or recent release? Do you need translation assistance? // What language do you speak?
ELAINE GALLANT, ITD Phases of Implementation 1.Rolling out the warehouse with a sampling of CoCs capable of generating AHAR and APR reports. 2.Rolling out a simple intake process, either utilizing already existing HMIS systems, or in the Warehouse interface directly for a very small set of CoC’s to test. 3.Rolling out the intake process for anyone wishing to opt in. 4.Tweaking, modifying, altering and improving the system.
WRAP UP We reviewed triage questions Tasks and next steps We reviewed the phases of implementation We reviewed the process flow Tasks and next steps Questions? Minutes and next meeting