Convention 101 Getting the Most from Your Convention Experience PSAHPERD Convention, 2014 Jeff Jacobs Chair, Professional Outreach
Convention Attendance Costs $$ With the school budgets being tight, many school districts are cutting back on budgets for professional development. This can mean no reimbursement for expenses and/or the granting of professional days. Attending the Convention can be a big expense! However, no matter who is paying for you to attend, it is important to get the most for your dollars spent. Many Districts have Title II funds for professional development purposes.
I would like to share some ideas and tips that have helped me in the past. Some I have learned from experience Others I have learned from friends and colleagues Many are common sense
Plan and Organize It’s well worth the time to do some planning and get yourself organized as to how best approach the convention.
Questions to ask yourself What topics would I like to learn about? Is there information that I would like to gather? Are there certain presenters or colleagues with whom I would like to meet or speak?
Convention Information Prior to the convention, take the time to look through the convention information: in the Convention Preview Issue of the Pennsylvania Journal of HPERD’s. (Fall Issue) posted on the PSAHPERD website at
Convention Program As soon as you get to the convention, go through the entire Convention Program!
Choose and Highlight Read through the titles and descriptions of the workshops. Highlight those which interest you most. These are the ones you should read in more detail.
Prioritize If there is more than one workshop that interests you listed within a specific time frame, prioritize them. One may be full and you’ll need a backup. You may show up and realize it’s not what you want so, again, you have a backup.
Resolve the Conflict If there are two or more workshops you really want to attend during a specific time frame: See if any of them are also offered at another time If attending with friends or colleague(s), you can each attend a different one and share the information. Ask presenter(s) for notes and handouts
Look for other Special Events Awards Luncheon Elmer B. Cottrell Banquet General Session Exhibit Hall - vendors - demonstrations Silent Auction Dance Gala Appreciation Awards These are highlighted in gray.
Ask Questions! “Asking questions is a sign of intelligent behavior.” ~anonymous
Notes As you participate in workshops, try to make note of ideas or activities that you can use immediately. Perhaps circle them so you can fill in the details before you forget. Sometimes there is follow-up. Make note of it and do it as soon as possible. Set aside time to revise your notes or to write the most important points in detail. Get the address of the presenter in case you have questions.
Become Familiar with Convention Layout
Gather Information Gather handouts, pickup business cards, collect and website addresses. Many presenters like to post their presentations and handouts on their website. Others will it to you upon request. Sort through all of this information as soon as possible once you get home.
Suggestions As you try to follow your plan be flexible. Mix it up. Try to alternate between active and passive workshops so you’re not always sitting. Set some time aside to rest and relax. Keep your receipts in one place.
Allow yourself time to meet and talk with other convention goers. Building relationships and networking is well worth it!
Follow-up ! Take care of tying up loose ends as soon as possible after the convention! Reports and reimbursement for school Go through all information you have collected Contact presenters / visit their websites Try to incorporate new ideas and activities into your classes.
Benefits of Professional Membership Professional Journal Keystone Newsletter Access to website Convention Access Networking opportunities Local association participation Eligibility for awards Membership fees pay for advocacy As a member of PSAHPERD, please consider getting more involved. For additional membership benefits consider joining SHAPE America
Convention 101 By taking the time to organize and plan you will hopefully get the most out of your convention experience! Woooo Hoooo! What an awesome convention!
Time for Questions and Answers