Reading Math Sci/SS Writing Morning Work 10:45-11:30 PE10:45-11:30 Art/Guidance10:45-11:30 C. Lab 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 1:00-1:20 Recess 8:15-9:45 9:45-10:45 12:40-1:00 1:20-2:10 7:55-8:15 Feb Journal Entry For the day. Continue to underline words unsure of spelling. Cursive and DOL Continue with pencil Invention writing, poem and diagram Continue with pencil Invention writing, poem and diagram Continue with pencil Invention writing, poem and diagram Opinion Writing research.choose person.6 notable achievements.6 opinions Opinion Writing research.choose person.6 notable achievements.6 opinions Opinion Writing -teach Lead to Opinion piece -write lead -student share WGL: Comparing Fractions *Students will use plastic fraction tiles to write down observations, complete activity sheet and share problem solving strategies Comparing Fractions students will work with partners to solve a Van de Walle problem and write answers to 3 formative assessment questions HW- fraction review pkt pgs Compare and contrast Review ws Intro review: fractions ws (names/spelling of fractions parts) Small group lesson: G: fraction circle maps: different ways to represent ½, ¼, 1/3; I- continue on 14.1 packet B:wb packet continue ;I-Unit Fraction Journal Prompt O:xp packet continue ;I- Unit Fraction journal Prompt Lesson 14.2 Understanding Equivalent Fractions Pages Grid paper and number lines -Problem of the Lesson -Let’s Practice in MNB G and B: 14.2 wb packet p O: xp pages Suki’s Kimono Preview story with background video; Vocabulary powerpoint As a class make predictions of how vocab words will relate to the story; Listen to Story; Review predictions and make changes; Review synonyms have students practice with thesaurus with a neighbor 20 minutes RTS, meet with Green Group on synonyms Anchor Chart List 3 Character Traits Students come up with words/actions a character might have that portrays those traits -Reread Suki’s Kimono; ask GRQ’s -Compare and Contrast Suki and her sisters character traits and how they show them. -Contrast Ky in Boxed Lunch preview story to Suki (journal prompt) C/C 2 stories by Chris Van Allsburg Read Zathura As a class list elements of plot, theme, setting, and character. 20 min RTS meet blue group on identifying theme Read Jumanji; repeat story elements
10:45-11:30 Music10:45-11:30 Library 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 11:30-11:40 Restroom 11:40-12:05 Lunch 1:00-1:20 Recess W.3.1 Opinion Writing L.3.1- conventions EQ: What words are needed for me to correctly voice my opinion on a topic? Next week: prefixes and suffixes L.3.1- conventions Math Centers: Marcy Cook Tiles, Roll and Show, Card and Dice games from k-5 math resources, fastt math, math reading books w/ activities, Do the math subitizing cards to make 10 Cursive and DOL Free write in journal SS-P-HP-U-3 Students will understand that history has been impacted by significant individuals and groups. What does it mean to be inventive? EQ: What clue words help me identify similarities and differences between characters, settings, plot and themes in a story or between two stories? 3.RL.1; 3.RL.10; 3.RL.9 Sharpen the Saw EQ: How can I compare fractions? How can I model a fraction on a number line? How can fractions be equivalent? 3.NF.13.NF.2 Next week: crosswalk coach books, jcps equivalent fractions resources as independent and small group work Write paragraph 1 of opinion piece -teacher model -student write -student share Valentine Conversation Heart Fraction Lesson -colors -Finding fractions of a group: ¼ of a set; ½ of a set, etc. Data Notebook Graphing test results Fractions on a Number line *use number line generator website *blank number lines G: shading fractions on number line, filling in number line B: filling in a number line, explaining how I know O: partitioning a number line journal prompt, explaining how I know Using post-its from story Elements of The Van Allsburg books, rearrange/rewrite as needed to C/C the setting, plot, theme & characters as needed. students will complete the story elem. essay; First in small groups they will chart their responses to a character c/c diagram, setting t-chart & theme t-chart *Character and C/C Test *Constructed Response -meet with pink group on CR answers Inventions brain pop And quiz
Supplemental Math Common Core Monday Tuesday Friday Thursday Wednesday Notes Feb FASTT Math 3.NBT.2 Integration Of many standards Number of the Day Game “Perfect 500” Mental Addition strategies to get to 500 Integration Of many standards FASTT Math Valentine Day Party
Supplemental Reading Common Core Monday Tuesday Friday Thursday Wednesday Notes Feb 4-8 Begin reading A-Z book section “Born a Slave” on Harriet Tubman as a class. Students will complete Lit. roles of: Predictor, Questioner and Literature Reactor. 3.RI.1 Mini Lesson on cause and effect using pages 6-7. Read section on “Dreams of Escape” Complete roles of: predictor, Questioner and Cause and effect Skill master. Cause and effect ws practice 3.RI.1 3.RI.5 Mini Lesson on Character Traits and review of literature Circle role- Character Tracker. Read “Leading Others to Freedom”. Complete Roles of Predictor, Literature and Character 3.RI.3 Mini lesson on sequence. Review role of Sequence of Events Skill Master. Read “How She Did It”. Complete roles of Sequence of Events, Character Tracker, and Literary Reactor. 3.RI.1 Mini lesson on Summarizing. Review role of Summarizer. Read “ The End of Slavery”. Complete roles of Summarizer and Character Tracker. 3.RI.10 Next week: picture dictionary, cause and effect ws, discussion card prompt and test on book.