S A Guide to H Keeping Your A Memory R SHARP P
Agenda How memory works What affects memory How to keep memory SHARP SHARP Review SHARP Toss / action plan
Can we teach an old dog new tricks?
Teach an old dog new tricks? We can not only teach an old dog new tricks, there are probably some tricks that an old dog can learn better. (Howard McClusky)
How Memory Works Sensory (milliseconds) Attention Short-term Working ( seconds, <1 minute ) Encoding Long-term (days, months, years) Retrieval? How to retrieve? Perception
What Affects Memory Sleep Stress Dehydration Diet Alcohol Medication Health Attention Intention Relevance Depression B12 Deficiency Organization Beliefs
S timulate the Brain H A R P
How can we stimulate the brain?
Stimulate brain through mental exercise: Games : -Cards -Board games -Memory games -Puzzles Change Routine: -Hair & teeth brushing with opposite hand -New path on walk or drive home Learn: -Interest course -Musical instrument -New hobby -New language -Craft -New recipe -How to book
Stimulate the Brain Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep the mind young. Henry Ford
S timulate the brain H ealthy body healthy brain
If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself
Magic Pill Concentration Memory Energy Sleep Stress level Mood Appearance Self-esteem Mobility Get your engine running
The engine of life Healthy Body/Brain Fuel – N utrition Tuned-up - A ctivity Maintenance - S tress Management
Eat Drink Be Merry & Healthy
N utrition What do we eat and drink for health? Eat, drink & Be healthy
N utrition for your Brain Drink 8 glasses of water Fruit, veggies, fiber Omega 3’s Limit saturated fat Whole grains Reduce inflammatory foods Select from power foods
A ctivity What physical activity do you do? How can you fit extra activity in to your regular routine?
Healthy Body / Health Brain Activity
Brain Gym
Sharpen the Saw
Stress Damages Memory Concentration Distorted thinking Poor time management Irritability Insomnia Low resistance to colds Coronary, circulatory & respiratory disorders Headaches Poor energy level Aches & pains Anxiety Depression
S tress Management What can you do to manage and release stress?
Healthy Body Needs N utrition A ctivity S tress Management
Guided Visualization
Nutrition & Stretch Break
S H A id it
A id Memory - Pay attention - Organize yourself - Write it down - Associations - Rehearse
A id Memory: Chunking Acronym Rhyme or jingle Visual image Acrostic / Sentence Method of loci
R elate to others
Relate to Others -Slows memory decline -Can prevent memory decline -Less likely to develop dementia -Enhances well being
How can you get out there & relate more with others?
S timulate it H ealthy body A id it R elate P
P ositive Outlook You can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. (Anonymous )
S timulate it H ealthy body A id it R elate P ositive outlook
S H A What will you R take home? P