CGS 1030: PC BASICS Instructor: Kim Standifer
COURSE OBJECTIVES Develop basic computer skills needed to pass the Computer Placement Exam (CPE) Build confidence in computer skills required by most SFCC classes
CGS 1030 SYLLABUS Please visit the PC BASICS website to see the course syllabus.
COMPUTER PLACEMENT EXAM (AKA C.P.E.) This exam covers only BASIC computer skills CGS 1030 has been approved by the C.P.E Review Board as remediation for re-taking this test. This test is offered throughout the year on a walk-in basis.
PREVIEW OF TOPICS File Management Word Processing Graphics
COURSE POLICIES Classes alternate between lecture and lab Regular Attendance is critical for success in this course All homework must be turned in on time
ASSIGNMENTS Assignments due at the beginning of class No make-up work will be given
GRADING Attendance and Class Participation = 40% Chapter Test Reviews/Homework = 30% Completion of MyIt Lab 1-6) = 15% Final Exam 15%
COURSE MATERIALS Myit Lab key code Manual: CGS 1030 Course Manual Three (minimum) 3 ½ “ Floppy Disks or USB Drive
THANK YOU……. Thank you for refraining from eating, drinking, and using cell phones in class.