1 MontCAS CRT-Alternate (CRT-Alt) Spring 2010 Test Administrator Training Grades 3-8 and 10 in Reading and Math Grades 4, 8, and 10 in Science Presentation 5: Evaluation of Training and Materials
2 Online Training Evaluation Procedures If you are able to connect to the internet NOW, click on the link below to complete a short series of questions about the information in this presentation.
3 Offline Evaluation Procedures If you do NOT have internet access, find the file on this CD called Training Evaluation. Save this file to your computer, open the document, and enter your response to each question. FAX, mail, or the completed survey to Gail McGregor. You do not need to identify yourself!
4 Return Your Completed Training Survey to: Gail McGregor University of Montana Rural Institute 52 Corbin Hall Missoula, MT FAX: (406)
5 Contact Information and Questions Judy Snow – OPI policy, bar code labels (406) Gail McGregor – customizing for individual students (406) Tim Greenlaw – extra materials, returning tests (800) ext
6 For your time and work in preparing for and administering the CRT-Alternate. For your input on ways for us to improve the training and materials. For keeping us posted on your progress.