Vacation and Sick Leave Detailed Report XDVS
Step 1:Double-click on the Datatel icon to open
Step 2: Type Login and Password cluna xxxxxxxx Step 3: Click OK
Step 4: Click on Apps from menu bar
Step 5: Select CF from drop-down menu
Step 6: Next to Quick Access type XDVS XDVS Step 7: Click on the “Go” button
Step 8: Type beginning date 09/01/07 and press Enter
Step 9: Type ending date 09/30/07 (Dates must be within the same fiscal year) and press Enter 09/01/
Step 10: Click Cost Center Arrow to see drop-down menu 09/01/07 09/30/07
Step 11: Select your Cost Center 09/01/07 09/30/07
Step 12: Click on “Update” to go to the next screen 09/01/07 09/30/ *IA
Step 13: Press function key “F9”
Step 14: Click on “Update” to go to the next screen
Step 15: System will run Report And will import it to Excel
Step 16: Excel will open one file for vacation and one for sick leave And will be minimized in your Taskbar
Step 17: Click Finish to close screen
Step 18: To exit the CF screen click on the red “X” in the middle of your menu bar XDVS
Step 19: Click on the minimized Excel files to restore
Step 20: Click on “File”
Step 21: Click on “Save As”
Step 22: Click on the ‘Save in” arrow to show drop-down menu
Step 23: Select folder where file will be saved
Step 24: Under “File name” type “VACRPT VACRPT 09-07
Step 25: Click on the ‘Save as type” arrow to show drop-down menu VACRPT 09-07
Step 26: Select “Microsoft Excel” VACRPT 09-07
Step 27: Click on the “Save” button VACRPT 09-07
Step 28: Now you can format the report to fit your reconciliation needs
Step 29: Repeat steps for the Sick Leave file
Thank you!