The Confirmation Process: A Trek into the Known Margaret Korosec 3 June 2015 PhD Student University of Hull Technology-Enhanced Learning
Welcome Introduction What is a confirmation? The confirmation Prepare Deliver Reflect My own trek Recommendations
MacPhail, W. (2009). Students in the Class. [Photo]. Retrieved from
The Confirmation
What is the PhD confirmation? Image by Kreuzschnabel/Wikimedia Commons License: artlibre and CC BY-SA 3.0artlibre
When is the confirmation? According to the Checklist of the Key Stages of the Research Degree Process found on the Graduate School site: The PhD confirmation (the ‘upgrade’ meeting) generally takes place between 8 – 12 months after commencing your PhD programme Documents and Forms:
Confirmation: Prepare
Literature Review Research Questions Thesis Structure Progress to Date Further Research Plans Draft Chapter
Confirmation: Prepare Review documentation with your supervisor(s) Prepare verbal responses Mock meeting Find out who the examiners are Be prepared to address your progress Please note: Some departments require a presentation which is open to staff and students. Be sure and know what is expected of you!
Confirmation: Deliver
Audio record the meeting. Listen carefully to the questions and to the responses. It is okay to say, “I do not know.” Remember - the University wants you to succeed! Trust your efforts thus far, because….
You’ve come a long way, baby!
Confirmation: Reflect Sunset retrieved from
My Confirmation Experience
Retrrieved from Confirmation
My confirmation experience Submitted confirmation documentation 21 March Confirmation meeting with both supervisors, two examiners and one meeting chair 21 May Resubmission 1 August
The trek became clearer Railway Yards at Stourbridge junction (Rob Newman)
Gain new perspective and reflect on your work
Do not make assumptions
Always move your work forward
Ask for help when needed
Focus on the end
Thank you Margaret D
Doctorates are awarded to students who have demonstrated…. The creation and interpretation of new knowledge…. General ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge…. A systematic acquisition and understanding… A detailed understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry.