Getting Started Copyright 2010, All rights reserved.
What is Peoplemovers? Peoplemovers is an online network that helps you and your organization grow as you positively impact your community You can connect, communicate and build strong relationships with the most influential people and organizations in your community Peoplemovers saves you time and money by giving you tools that allow you to quickly and conveniently post and share information
Some examples of use Non-profits can promote events, recruit volunteers, find resources and raise support Associations can provide online resources, create partnerships and improve recruitment Businesses can volunteer in their communities, recruit employees and grow relationships with leaders Governments can mobilize stakeholders to achieve initiatives and strengthen local economies
How does it work? Individual and organizations create free profiles Individuals and organizations become “friends” Users post events, volunteer opportunities, news, requests for “help” and other things that are going on in their organizations and/or local communities Organizations build their own branded “communities” to “feature” their information and the posts of members and partner organizations
Create your profile Create your network profile for yourself AND your organization by going to Create Profile or SignupCreate ProfileSignup Individuals can also signup quickly and easily by using their Facebook® accounts by just clicking on this icon TIP: People will recognize and trust your profile more if you post your photo, logo and detailed information
“Search” and make friends Search People and Groups and start sending “Friend Requests” to individuals or organizations you want to be connected to and include a personal messagePeopleGroups TIP: Use “Advanced Search” to get more specific about the kind of users you want to find TIP: Use “Search this community” to locate only people and groups on a specific Community site TIP: Use “Search Peoplemovers” to find results from the entire network (POWERFUL)
Check your “Bulletin Board” Each time you login, you will be directed to your “Bulletin Board” where all the posts of your friends will feed to you so you can see what’s going on Share a quick “Status Update” (we call them “Peeps”) so your friends, employees and others on the network can know what’s happening TIP: If you are logged in using Facebook®, you can check the box here (and everywhere) and it will post to your personal Facebook® Wall
Share in “Our Community” Post relevant News and information by clicking and pasting links to articles you find on the web (just the first two paragraphs, please)News Share your thoughts and get your group engaged by posting Blogs and DiscussionsBlogsDiscussions Post Videos from YouTube® and other sites and create Photo Albums showing your different activitiesVideosPhoto Albums
Help “Make a Difference” There are lots of ways to impact your community and “make a difference” on Peoplemovers Find things you Care about, Initiatives to support, Volunteer or Help others in need by posting things you have to donateCareInitiatives VolunteerHelp Get your coworkers or company connected to non- profits in your area by inviting them all to share and post information on your “Community”
Do biz in the “Marketplace” Helping others improve economically not only builds a stronger community, it makes them really happy and want to support you Use the “Marketplace” to promote the Goods and Services of your members, help them find Jobs and Careers and give RecommendationsMarketplaceGoods and Services Jobs and Careers Recommendations TIP: Encourage contractors and vendors to join your community and offer same-day specials if they have extra capacity using “Status Updates”
Earn and give PeoplePoints®! PeoplePoints® are earned whenever users post information, comment or make friends on the site Can be redeemed for tickets, food, supplies or any number of goods and services that are posted by users You can give or donate your PeoplePoints® to your favorite organizations or to people you want to thank!
The PeoplePoints® Economy Posting goods and services that accept PeoplePoints® is a great way to connect with the influencers in your community When you accept PeoplePoints® for items, you get to keep and use the points you receive... creating a virtual economy for doing good! Post items for redemption by going to “Redeem PeoplePoints” and click “Add New”. You set the number of points needed to redeem an item!Redeem PeoplePoints
“Feature” each other’s posts “Feature” is an easy way for organizations to share and promote the public posts of people and organizations by displaying them in their Communities Organizations with Communities can go “Community Roles” and click on “Feature Posts” to choose people and organizations to feature TIP: Request to be “featured” by organizations that have “Communities” so you can spread the word fast and exponentially
“Invite” everyone to join Make connecting people and organizations to you and growing your community your number one goal at all meetings and events. Invite them to “Join your community on Peoplemovers” Make sure you include a link to your Peoplemovers profile or Community on your website and in every mailing (go to Support for icons)Support Use Invite Friends to send invitations to your contacts in Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo! and othersInvite Friends
General tips Attach documents to each of your posts so others can download or discuss Login using Facebook® whenever possible to link to your Wall, “Tweet” posts to Twitter®, and always “Share” your posts to your friends on Peoplemovers If you don’t have one already, create a “Community” for your own organization, they’re FREE and can help transform your organization!create a “Community”
For more info and help Check Peoplemovers Help from your Quick Links for more detailed feature instructionsPeoplemovers Help and we’ll get back to you within 24 Contact the “Community Administrator” in your organization