Chapter 13Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 1 of 5 Aspects of Finding the Right Career A record of job leads Tips and introductions from friends Openings with former employers Company personnel offices College placement services Employment ads Internet job banks
Chapter 13Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 2 of 5 Guidelines for the Resume: Accompany your resume with a cover letter Keep your resume to one or two pages Eliminate all typos and other errors Work for “at-a-glance” appeal Adjust your resume to your target company Highlight major categories in your resume Choose the resume form that suits you best Tailor your resume to your target job Use your resume to highlight your strengths
Chapter 13Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 3 of 5 Three Parts of a Typical Letter of Application Clear response to a clear invitation Reference to the attached résumé Appeal for an interview
Chapter 13Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 4 of 5 Steps in a Follow-up Letter Remind your reader when you mailed your résumé Repeat your interest in a position Express appreciation
Chapter 13Management Communication 2e Bell / Smith Slide 5 of 5 Written Communication after the Interview Letter of thanks Letter of acceptance Letter of postponement Letter of refusal