Project: GrenzenLOS V Coaching and Marketing September, October, November: General information about LEONARDO DA VINCI programme Drafting application letters and CVs (curriculum vitae) Searching for placement positions and allocating placement positions at cooperating hotels Posting applications
Project: GrenzenLOS V Coaching and Marketing Dezember: reviewing of answers to your applications signing contracts January: submitting the project „GrenzenLOS V“ to the National Agency (Nationalagentur Lebenslanges Lernen)
Project: GrenzenLOS V Coaching and Marketing February, March: planning your travel intinerary and booking flights April, May: language training (English, French, Spanish) und planning your travel paedagogical training 3rd of June: earliest possible date to start your practical training
Project: GrenzenLOS V Coaching and Marketing June - September: practical training abroad visit to the hotel by coordinator or other teachers regular reports (by ) payout of 80% of the financial subsidy October: final reports and project evaluation
Project: GrenzenLOS V Coaching and Marketing Language of communication: English only in lessons and in s
Project: GrenzenLOS V Coaching and Marketing Channels of communication Coaching and Marketing lessons Consultation lessons communication ILIAS E-learning platform
Project: GrenzenLOS V Coaching and Marketing lessons Fixed lessons: 3ha:September 20th: – [EDV 2] September 27th: – [EDV 2] October 4th: – [EDV 2] 3hb:September 20th: – [EDV 2] September 27th: – [EDV 2] October 4th: – [EDV 2] Consultation lessons: every Tuesday – [EDV 2]
Project: GrenzenLOS V every Tuesday – [EDV 2] Individuals or groups can come up with their questions or get advice on anything related to the practical training abroad. Please avoid consulting me during breaks, but come to my consultation lessons. Consultation lessons
Project: GrenzenLOS V Register for ILIAS! Username: hlwm.vorname.nachname Join [GrenzenLOS V – Leonardo da Vinci Project – 2011] Path: Magazin > Schulen > BMHS > HLW Marienberg > Simma Password: leo11 ILIAS Elearning platform
Project: GrenzenLOS V communication
Project: GrenzenLOS V Did you know?
Project: GrenzenLOS V How to obtain a placement position: Decide which country you would like to go. Draft application letter and CV. Apply to a new hotel.Apply to a cooperating hotel. Find hotels you would like to apply to.Apply to coordinator. Send application.Allocation of hotels by the coordinator. Send application.
Project: GrenzenLOS V Applying to a new hotel. Draft application letter and CV. Compile a list of hotels you would like to apply to. The hotels must not be a cooperating hotel of any other HLW in Vorarlberg. Send application letter, CV and reference letter from school.reference letter Wait for reply from hotel.
Project: GrenzenLOS V Applying to a cooperating hotel. Draft application letter and CV. Apply for a cooperating hotel to the coordinator. Allocation of placement positions at cooperating hotels in mid-October. Send application letter, CV and contract.
Project: GrenzenLOS V Criteria for allocation of positions at cooperating hotels: be reliable do your work on time work accurately and conscientiously letter of motivation The placement positions at cooperating hotels will be allocated according to these criteria in consultation with your form teachers. (in mid-October)
Project: GrenzenLOS V Tasks for the next meeting On ILIAS: (Deadline: Sunday, September 26th) Enter your personal data. [PERSONAL DATA] Upload your ID-photo. [ID-Photo] Find out what an application letter and a CV contain and look like and do the test about application letters. [Job application] Read final reports of students doing practical training in 2009 [Reports practical training summer 2009] and in 2010 [Reports practical training summer 2010] Do the questionnaire [Questionnaire practical training 2011] to tell me your current interest concerning practical training in 2011.
Project: GrenzenLOS V Tasks for the next meeting Think about where you would like to do your practical training. Start drafting your application letter and CV.
Project: GrenzenLOS V