e-Access 1 Ni hao..friends.,I want to know. How can I find about Malaysia country?? 2 easy just read book la… 3 Book?oh, no,no…so many can I finish them. 4 Mia, knows…,just go and search in the internet 4 WOW!!..internet awesome..thank you Mia
e-literate 1 But, I’m still worried.. 2 Ayoyo..what again? 4 Mia, knows…,website which is begins with “https” means that website have a secure connection 3 How to tell that page is secure? Then, all secure website have “a lock” icon somewhere on the screen
e-rule Anyway…to all Mia ’s friends.. please avoid to do these… Internet banking fraud Intellectual property Infringement HarassmentIntrusion We have rules in our country so please do not make your own rules..
e -safety Remember this!!! Friends..beware of your gadgets from them.. So, ensure you have those:
e-interaction & collaboration Friends, if you care about yourself, So you must care about us, So please silent your phone To respect us.. So everyone happy..
e-enterprise..ok, its my turn....friends, please use my tips for doing your online banking.. So look on your left now..!!! Keep your passwords, personal identification Number (PIN) and card numbers confidential Look for the lock icon Use a firewall and install security updates
e-care Please care about your body and health
e- accountability Pirated software You are responsible for every action you do.!!! plagiarism
O Creator: Siti Hajar binti Zakaria O Uitm Shah Alam.