By Krystin Doan, Gabe hall and Jessie Monroe
Michael Jackson (actor, dancer, record producer and songwriter)
Thriller (released in 1982) Bad (released in 1987) Off the wall (released in 1979)
Found on the album bad Bad (lasted 4 minutes, 7 seconds) The way you make me feel (lasted 4 minutes, 58 seconds) Speed demon (lasted 3 minutes, 59 seconds) Liberian girl (lasted 3 minutes, 39 seconds) Just good friends (lasted 4 minutes, 7 seconds) Another part of me (lasted 3 minutes, 55 seconds) Men in the mirror (lasted 5 minutes, 0 seconds) Blood on the dance floor (lasted 4 minutes, 12 seconds) Dirty Diana (lasted 4 minutes, 40 seconds) Smooth criminal (lasted 4 minutes, 9 seconds)
No Michael Jackson died in 2009 along with his career His last album was
He died unacceptably from intoxication cardiac arrest at his home in los angelus California on June 25th, 2009 He was known as the king of pop before he died
On April the United states voted to boycott the summer Olympics in Moscow in response to the soviet union invasion in Afghanistan On the evening of December 8 th 1980 in new York city in front of the Dakota hotel John Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman Prince Charles and lady Diana got married at Winchester abbey on July 29 th, 1981 The musical cats debut an album on Broadway on October 8 th 1982 The apple computer launches its computer in 1984
1st slide (picture) 2nd slide 3rd slide RE&pq=micheal%20jackson%20albums%20&sc=8-19&sp=- 1&sk=&cvid=bbcacd0a30e047dfa155330b8b41733e 4th slide %20jackson%20albums%20&sc=8-19&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=bbcacd0a30e047dfa155330b8b41733e 5th slide micheal+jackson+reteir&sc=0-24&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=a60f04bc b754fe e6&ADLT=strict 6th slide TopResult&FORM=IETR02&conversationid=&ADLT=strict 7th slide