Paris 5 September 2005 HHH Status progress W. Scandale CERN Accelerator Technology Department CARE-HHH Network: coordinators: F. Ruggiero and W. Scandale recent activities, workshops, and plans May to August
2 CARE-HHH: 3 work-packages WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT) ocoordinated by L. Rossi (CERN) and L. Bottura (CERN) okeywords: stability and quench limit of LHC insertion magnets, pulsed magnets for LHC and GSI accelerator complex upgrade, magnets for booster ring, high field magnet design, optimisation of the overall cost WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI) ocoordinated by H. Schmickler (CERN) and K. Wittenburg (DESY) okeywords: tools and diagnostic systems for luminosity, wire for beam-beam compensation, advanced transverse beam diagnostics, feedback loops for orbit, chromaticity and coupling, advanced beam halo diagnostics, remote diagnostics and maintenance of instrumentation WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD) ocoordinated by F. Ruggiero (CERN) and F. Zimmermann (CERN) okeywords: Interaction Region design for LHC luminosity upgrade, optics design for booster synchrotrons, impedance calculations, structured list of intensity limits, electron cloud effects, beam measurements and advanced theoretical studies (including collimation, halo formation, and loss mechanisms)
3 CARE-HHH expected progress 1/2
4 CARE-HHH expected progress 2/2
5 Recent activity of CARE-HHH (2/2) oApril 2005: second meeting on LHC upgrade with ATLAS and CMS physicists (8 participants). Items discussed: possible IR upgrade scenarios and implementation, identification of a team to estimate high luminosity effects of interaction debris on the superconducting triplets. oMay 2005: second meeting of the Pulsed Magnet Working Group with 19 participant ( The main goals were: define an inventory of resources (tooling and personnel) who may become available. review the present activity and identify possible synergies within presently available resources. discuss the organization of the CARE-HHH-AMT workshop in Frascati (October 2005).
6 Recent activity of CARE-HHH (2/2) oMay 2005: invited contribution to the HIF 2005 workshop organized by the INFN. W. Scandale presented a talk “High Intensity Injector Chain for the LHC” a0523s1t3/transparencies. a0523s1t3/transparencies oJuly 2005: contribution the 61th meeting of the LHC collimation working group (see minutes collimation/files/minutes_ pdf ) W. Scandale presented a possible scenario to investigate crystal collimation in the SPS in view of the LHC intensity upgrade (see transparencies collimation/files/WScandale pdf ) -> INTAS request collimation/files/minutes_ pdfhttp:// collimation/files/WScandale pdf oJuly 2005: contribution to Atlas Tracker Upgrade Workshop in Genova (see web-site: F. Ruggiero presented the plans for the Super LHC (see transparencies =a053875s0t2/transparencies). =a053875s0t2/transparencies
7 Recent activity of CARE-HHH (2/2) oJuly 2005: publication of the proceedings of the workshop HHH-2004 oJuly 2005: completion of the proceedings of the workshop CC-2005, oJuly 2005: creation of the web page for the CARE-HHH-APD work- package. oJuly 2005: progress on the web based code repository included in the CARE-HHH-APD work-packages. oJuly 2005: written contribution to the HIP 05 proceeding. Author W. Scandale, title: “possible scenarios for the LHC upgrade”, 05/Organization/Arcidosso/LiteratureForLumi05.html. 05/Organization/Arcidosso/LiteratureForLumi05.html oAugust 2005: completion of the preparation of the Workshop on "Scenarios for the LHC luminosity upgrade", Arcidosso, 31/08- 3/09/2005:
8 In Preparation Topics: (i) optical designs and luminosity performance for alternative IR layouts (dipole first vs quadrupole first (Nb-Ti or Nb 3 Sn) vs ironless magnet at very low ß*, (ii) beam-beam compensation schemes and machine-experiment interface), (iii) machine and magnet parameters for high energy injectors: lattice, magnet aperture, injection and extraction for new ring in the ISR tunnel, super-SPS with new transfer lines, or booster ring in the LHC tunnel. CARE-HHH-APD Workshop LHC-LUMI-05 on "Scenarios for the LHC luminosity upgrade", Arcidosso, 31/08-3/09/2005. Web site:
9 In Preparation Topics summarise the requirements from particle physics, accelerator upgrades and other fields (e.g. hadron therapy) to define a set of parameters for the development of pulsed superconducting magnets for accelerators; translate the above requirements in specifications for the performance of strand, cable, magnet and auxiliaries (i.e. cryogenics, power supplies, instrumentation, measurement systems); define the R&D required to achieve the above specifications and produce a tentative road-map for a procurement and prototyping activity. CARE-HHH-AMT Workshop on Superconducting Pulsed Magnets for Accelerators (ECOMAG-05) in Frascati (Italy) during the week from 24 to 28 October, This workshop aims at giving a technological follow-up to the CARE-HHH- APD Workshop (LHC-LUMI-05, Arcidosso, August 2005).