National Association of County and City Health Officials Kathleen Cook Member NACCHO Information Technology Committee Information & Fiscal Manager, Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department
Critical: Integrate with current and future state and federal requirements Long life expectancy for local applications Need to make sound business case for long-term usability
Overwhelming: How and where do you find the right standard Alphabet soup Applications developed support broad range of public health activities
Education / Disseminating Information Research / Gathering information Facilitates partnerships / Promotes collaboration Presents and Advocates for needs of Local public health in national forums
Disseminating Information Presentation on Importance of Data Standards, ASTHO/NACCHO Joint Conference Resolution #01-06 “Resolution on Electronic Data Interchange Technology (revised 9/9/2003) NACCHO Exchange Special Information Technology Supplement 2004 Scholarships for local health departments to attend the PHIN conference
Gathering Information Partnership with Public Health Informatics Institute to Survey 23 local health departments regarding public health information systems Departments surveyed were medium to large LPHAs serving populations over 100,000
Promoting Collaboration NACCHO Information Technology Committee members actively participate in national initiatives to represent local needs PHDSC, CDC Information Council, PHIN User Groups Drafting Joint Principles for State-Local Collaboration on Information Technology Systems
Improved education and informational tools Continued enhancement of the PHDSC website More user guides / road maps / case studies Connecting people who are implementing or using data standards
Local Health Departments Are: 89% reported that system integration efforts are currently underway or highly likely in the next six to eighteen months 62.5% (10 out of 17) reported having major problems with integration efforts related to data standards Actively Investing in System Integration Facing Challenges related to Data Standards
Percent of surveyed LPH by type of program/activities involved in integration efforts n=18 Administrative functions50% Child/Maternal Health56% Communicable Disease Control72% Environmental Health/Inspections/ Licensing44% Epidemiology/Surveillance67% Health Education22% Personal Health Services28%
Expand the view of public health data standards to be inclusive of all population-based health
Percent of LPHAs currently undertaking or likely to undertake a systems integration effort in the next six to eighteen months? N=18 Area of integrationCurrentHighly likely Combined Within LPHA 50%25%75% With other local agencies 44%25%69% With other agencies in state 19%38%56% Total currently or highly likely to undertake system integration efforts 94%
Monitor and analyze emerging efforts and assist local public health to identify the public health perspectives that need a voice
This is where the rubber meets the road