Internet2 Health Sciences Mary Kratz Internet2 Health Science Manager March Spring Member Meeting International Session
Agenda Overview of new Health Science Initiative Organization of Internet2 Health Sciences Potential Projects International Perspectives
Overview First Internet2 Domain focus area Under the Applications Group Health Sciences Workgroup Formation February 24, 2000 First Meeting at Spring Member Meeting Variety of potential initiatives Clinical Research Education
Scope: Networking Health The Scope of the Internet2 Health Science Workgroup includes clinical practice, medical and related biological research, education, and medical awareness in the Public.
With an Emphasis on: Medical applications on the Internet. Development of application tools to take advantage of Internet2 advanced network services. Leverage and influence Internet2 resources to apply solutions to the medical domain. Inform the Medical Community of these activities.
Goals and Objectives Focus on research partnerships working on advanced applications Cooperate on standards to maintain global interoperability Enhance collaboration and information sharing Development of demonstrations and tools
Organization Workgroup Strong Steering Committee Project Leads
Projects Internal Internet2 Relationships External Relationships Government Industry Standards International Application Project Teams
Internal Internet2 Relationships Application Infrastructure Middleware Security QoS Use of Networks vBNS Abilene Medical Applications Clinical Research Training/Education
External Relationships Government Industry Standards International
Government: Internet2/NGI Relationship Separate but interdependent U.S. Next Generation Internet Led by Federal government Focused on Federal agency needs Internet2 Led by higher education Focused on research and education needs Working with funding agencies to help define future funding directions/projects
Examples of Funded Projects by NLM Networked Three-Dimensional Virtual Human Anatomy NGI-Aware, Scalable, Secure and Adaptive Technology for Rural Telemedicine Telemammography Using the NGI Personal Internetworked Notary and Guardian
Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet National Research Council Report Current and future Internet Released February 24, 2000
Background 1998 study commissioned by National Library of Medicine Questions: What technical capabilities do health applications require of the Internet? How do these differ from other sectors (e.g., banking, defense, entertainment) What kinds of experiments and demonstrations needed? How to ensure health needs included in network R&D?
Technical requirements for Health- related Internet applications
NRC Recommendations 1. Research, Development and Deployment of Technical Capabilities 2. Demonstration & Evaluation of Health Applications 3. Addressing Educational Needs 4. Resolving Policy Issues
Industry Focus and balance E-Commerce/Web for commercial applications Healthcare suppliers and commercial providers Effective mechanisms to foster collaborations and integration Visible Human Veterinary R&D&E Direction and Projects Short term Long term Attention and Recognition for efforts Information Sharing
Standards Health Level Seven Hospital transactions ASTM E.31 Security X.12 HIPAA HIPAA/Finance Object Management Group : CORBAmed Middleware ISO TC215
International Relationships Brazil Japan Europe UK Australia Russia
More Time Performance Less hype technological potential actual performance reality gap Innovating to Close the Gap
Potential Projects Clinical Telemedicine *name-your-favorite* “*scope” Research Clinical Trials Human Genome Training Visible Human Distance Education
Applications Real-time multimedia data exchange with guaranteed QoS, efficient on- demand remote patient record access, new distributed security services that take advantage of high-speed network infrastructure and support complex application-level policies demanded by healthcare applications.
What’s an Ideal “Internet2” Functional services available to users and developers Enabling new collaborations and applications Supported as production quality An integrated framework Scaled to the size of the research and education community
Healthcare in the Information Age