All Roads Lead to Energy Efficiency! Ken Curry Energy Efficiency Manager
The Big Picture! View Here at Home! What “Energy Efficiency” really means What can you do as a community leader? What will we cover?
Fact The US represents about 5% of the world population The US consumes about 25% of the total energy utilized in the world United States Energy Usage and Efficiency: Measuring Changes Over Time, Energy Information Administration, datawww.eia.doe.gove/emeu/efficiency/wec98.htm
World Population Prospects: the 1998 Rev Vol I; Comprehensive Tables (UN Sales No. E.99.XIII.9)00
Energy Consumption and Income are Linked 5 billion low-income people in countries with rapid economic growth rates
World Energy & Environmental Implications – China / India China is a major world player in importing energy China is bringing on line one to two coal fired power plants each week – Both countries want to improve the quality of life of their population – which requires energy! How can this be denied? What will this mean to our future?????
So what are our future Energy Options? Can we build more coal stations?? Can we build more nuclear stations and how long will it take?? How much wind energy is possible – and do we have it when we need it?? The good news – Nebraska is positioned well for near term capacity and fuel mix!
So what are our future Energy Options? Lets shed some “Light” on this question!!!
Why does Energy Efficiency make sense? 21 Reduces the demand for electricity Positively impacts the size & timing of future power plants It is our least cost near term resource Increasing energy costs and environmental consideration support increased focus on efficiency As Public Power, helping our customers save energy – is the right thing to do! Bottom Line – as a Community – Energy Efficiency can decrease community costs and enhance the quality of your community! New businesses are asking about EE programs
Energy Efficiency – our Least Cost Resource! Range for Costs for Energy Efficiency $.01 to $.03/kWh NPPD’s near term avoided costs are higher than this! Alternatives$/KW Coal $4000+ Wind$2000 Nuclear $6000+ Efficiency$200 - $800 Source – based on EPRI 2006 TAG with market adjustments – order of magnitude numbers Our most cost-effective resource is to invest in our customers to save energy and reduce peak demand
CFL in store promotion Commercial, Industrial and Area Lighting High Efficiency Heat Pumps Refrigerator/Freezer Recycling program Irrigation On-line tools More to come in EnergyWise Programs 24
What can you do as a Community Leader? See where you can save energy in your community! Provide community options for efficiency (educational sessions, recycling opportunities, etc.) Lead by example – improve the efficiency of your facilities! Spread the word – you influence many in your community!
Summary Energy Efficiency is our lowest-cost future resource option – and we can do it today! We all can make a difference and can lead by example! Together we can build a “Public Power Plant” – through Efficiency and Demand Reductions! Our world is changing! Many unknowns – but All roads lead to Energy Efficiency!
Questions! Ken Curry Energy Efficiency Manager