Outta Space: Best Practices in Storage and Space Planning for Ohio’s Cultural Heritage Institutions Ohio’s Connecting to Collections 2012 Conference Series Tom Clareson Spring 2012
Activities IMLS Connecting to Collections Statewide Planning Grant –Web Survey –Telephone Surveys –May 2010 Statewide Preservation Summit Meeting with breakout discussion groups –Regional Meetings/Focus Groups, Summer 2010 –A variety of reports available at the State Library of Ohio C2C Website ( partners/ohio/oh-programs/connectcollect.html ) partners/ohio/oh-programs/connectcollect.html
2010 Web Survey Demographics In the field January-March responses – 40% return rate Top institution types responding: –Public libraries –Historical Societies –Academic libraries –Museums
A Major Concern Survey asked how much of your institution’s collection you would estimate is adequately stored –38 institutions (14.6%) said none –90 respondents (36.6%) said only 1-25% –51 organizations (19.6%) said 26-50% 70% of respondents (179 institutions) feel that half or less of their collections are stored well
Most Serious Preservation Problems Top Answers from the “Top Three” question: –Lack of funds for preservation supplies, staff, and activities –Lack of space (storage/exhibit space) –Environmental issues (temp & rh fluctuations, lack of temp & rh control, lack of monitoring, lighting issues) –Lack of staff or staff time for preservation activities –Lack of proper storage (facilities or containers/materials) –Need for digitization of collection items –Lack of long-term preservation plan or policies
Comments from the Surveys “In most of the smaller museums, the awareness of the preservation/conservation of the collection is not a high priority.” “Please do not overlook or forget about the many, many small museums/sites with little or no funds to properly house their items. There are a great deal of volunteer organizations wanting to take proper care of their collections but have neither the knowledge or funding to make that possible.”
Comments from the Surveys “We have so many original historical records that need preservation/conservation that it is hard to decide where to even begin. We have no budget to speak of and would greatly benefit from a professional needs assessment survey.” “We have more to do than we have funding or expertise to do….” “We often have questions as to what to keep and probably tend to keep more than we need.” “We are having trouble getting all our collections and memorabilia inventory completed in a timely manner so our museum can use them.”
Comments from the Surveys “I would avidly welcome the opportunity for more (preservation) training workshops.” “We need to be able to train volunteers in the basics of preservation … things we can do on a shoestring budget.” “Cooperative preservation planning and pooling resources would be desirable.”
Comments from the Surveys “Without outside help, we will not be able to adequately preserve our collection for future generations.” “Where do you get interested people with time?” We need help... where does one start?”
Activities Expanded Project Advisory Group to include more institutional representatives Developed new website project to highlight good preservation practices in Ohio Developed Cincinnati and Cleveland “Outta Space” conferences Submitted IMLS Connecting to Collections Implementation Grant Proposal
Conference Moderator Contact: Tom Clareson 800/ , x2911; 614/