Happyland is an interactive, fun, online game for children aged 4-7. There's loads to do and see.
You can confidently let your children access Happyland. It has been designed as a positive, safe environment where children can have fun playing games and creating their own characters in a world where they will be encouraged to help others. The content of Happyland is wholesome and uplifting, as opposed to many games available on the internet today. No personal information about your child is stored on our servers.
Using games and activities based on themes from the Bible, children will be able to create a world they will want to return to again and again. They can customise their character, build buildings piece by piece, play games, and help other characters on the Happyland island.
You may need to help your children log in to Happyland. If they are new to the game, click "New Player", if they have played before, click "Played Before". If they are new, they will need to choose whether they are a boy or a girl, then choose a username and password. You may want to write this down for them so they don't forget it. If a username is already in use by someone else you will need to pick a different one.