9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services1 What is OCLC?
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services2 Mission OCLC exists to further access to the world ユ s information and reduce library costs by offering services for libraries and their users.
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services3 Vision OCLC will be the leading global library cooperative, helping libraries serve people by providing economic access to knowledge through innovation and collaboration.
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services4 A Little Background Ohio College Library Center –Computerized system for Ohio academic Institutions to share resources and reduce costs Frederick G. Kilgour, OCLC’s 1st President –Grew to 54 Ohio colleges Governance Change to allow libraries outside of Ohio to become members –Became OCLC, Inc name changed to OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. June, Total OCLC participation exceeded 50,000 libraries in 94 countries.
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services5 The OCLC Campus & the Presidents
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services6 Types of Members Governing Members - Governing Members contribute all current cataloging and holdings to WorldCat These contributions are what make WorldCat such a valuable resource for users around the world. Members - Members embrace the OCLC value of collaboration by contributing intellectual content and by sharing resources. Participants - Participants contract to use OCLC products and services without any obligation to return any intellectual content to the cooperative.
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services7 Governing Members commit to: Contribute to OCLC all current bibliographic & holdings information which represents cataloged items in their collections Create bibliographic records and related data at the fullest possible level, consistent with the standards and guidelines adopted by OCLC Support prompt contribution of bibliographic records & related data to promote shared use of records and library resources Cooperate with OCLC, regional networks and other partners, and participating libraries to identify and correct errors in contributed information and to avoid introducing duplicate records Limit use of OCLC records, systems, and services to OCLC authorized users
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services8 Membership Responsibility Principles of Cooperation “Member libraries, the regional networks, and other partners, and OCLC share a commitment to ensure the continuing viability of the Online Union Catalog (WorldCat: The OCLC Union Catalog) and related services to the library and information community”. -Principles of Cooperation, adopted by OCLC Users Council 1996
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services9 The Organization OCLC Member’s Council –60 Elected by the US Regional Networks & Service Centers ILLNET is one of the Networks –6 Elected by the International Service Centers Board of Trustees -15-members 9 from library field; 5 from fields outside librarianship; CEO of OCLC 30 Advisory Committees and other user groups Over 1000 Employees worldwide
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services10 OCLC Membership
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services11 Global Service Centers
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services12 US Service Centers
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services13 OCLC by the Numbers Every 8 seconds an OCLC member library adds a new record to WorldCat. WorldCat contains 88 million records representing 1.7 billion holdings..Every 4 seconds an OCLC member library fills an interlibrary loan request using WorldCat, which has supported 128 million requests since its creation.. Every second, a library user searches WorldCat using the OCLC FirstSearch service, through one of the 20,000 libraries worldwide using FirstSearch
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9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services15 WorldCat by the Numbers
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services16 WorldCat Languages Over 470 Languages and Dialects are represented in WorldCat records You can watch the catalog grow --
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services17 WorldCat Languages
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9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services20 WorldCat by Format January 2005 FormatNumber of records Percentage of total Numbers of Items Books45,936, %870,822,101 Serials2,631, %28,377,292 Visual materials1,818, %17,564,782 Maps799, %3,946,086 Mixed materials245, %254,419 Sound recordings 1,910, %21,851,178 Scores1,263, %9,564,480 Computer files221, %1,039,290 Totals54,826, %953,419,628
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9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services22 OCLC Services Cataloging and Metadata Collection Management Digitzation Preservation eContent Reference Resource Sharing Research and Programs
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services23 WorldCat.org Interface available in 7 languages: –Dutch –English –French –German –Spanish –Simplified and Traditional Chinese Enhancements –Single citation formatting –Facet expansion –Sorting search results –Automatic geographic location code based on IP address –More visibility for evaluative content
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9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services25 Open WorldCat Partnerships with major search engines and booksellers Points users to content in libraries
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services26 WorldCat Bibliographic database and international union catalogBibliographic database and international union catalog –88 Million Unique Bib Records88 Million Unique Bib Records –Over 1.17 Billions location listingsOver 1.17 Billions location listings –Members add a new record to WorldCat every 8 secondsMembers add a new record to WorldCat every 8 seconds –470 Languages languages have more than 15,000 records470 Languages languages have more than 15,000 records
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9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services29 eSerials Holding a Cataloging & MetaData Service Automatically sets and updates WorldCat holdings for ISSN-based eSerials OCLC partners: EBSCO, Serials Solutions and TDNet More than 1.8 million holdings set More than 200 participating libraries Batch Processing
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services30 OCLC Terminologies a Cataloging & MetaData Service One-stop access to terminology resources Unites multiple thesauri into a single interface Available to all Connexion users
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services31 Language Sets a Collection Management Service Materials available in 14 languages –Adult and juvenile-level books –VHS –DVD
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services32 CAMIO an eContent Service Catalog of Art Museum Images Online Includes 90,000 works of art from 3000 BC to the present All content is rights-cleared for educational use
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services33 WorldCat Registry
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services34 NetLibrary a Collection Management Service
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services35 FictionFinder A Research Service
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services36 WorldCat Identities A Research Service
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services37 Web Junction
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services38 Global Studies
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services39 Global Studies
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services40 Global Studies
9/26/2007OCLC Orientation & Services41 Questions/Demonstration Jan Ison, Executive Director