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Digital Reference Service By Diana Chan Head of Reference, HKUST Library United Board Library Staff Development program "Library Trends and Management Issues" Baptist University March 9, 2001.
Outline 1. Trends in reference and library service 2. Impact of Internet 3. What is Digital Reference Service (DRS) 4. Quality of DRS 5. Developments of DRS A. B. Web Form C. Video conferencing D. Ask-a-Service E. Real time F. Collaborative Digital Reference Service G. Commercial services
1. Trends in Reference and Library Service ARL: Reference queries handled per librarian, 6%-15% dropped in 1998/99 National Center for Education Statistics: Reference statistics for all academic libraries 10% decreased from Anne Lipow- “ Early signposts pointing the wrong way” 1. Decreased circulation statistics 2. Fewer walk-in users 3. Staff can’t keep up 4. Reference desk eliminated 5. Outsourcing on the rise 6. Reduced Reference service hours 7. Search engines: automated reference librarian 8. Need for large building and staff not clear
2. Impact of Internet A survey of 150 academic library web sites was conducted in 1999, 45% (67) survey libraries offered digital reference service Strategies Group Survey: 100 million or one half of all adults in U.S. use the Internet in 1999, 54 % increase from 1998 M2 Press wire, November 21, 2000: 380 million Internet users worldwide. China is adding 2 million new subscribers a month. By July 2001, 800 million Carol temopir and Lisa Ennis (1998) “In the digital age, “the biggest change is increased user expectations. Increasingly, user expect to be able to find everything online, full-text. Technology lets us do much more, but it also increases expectations about what we can do”
3. What is digital (Electronic, Virtual) Reference Service? Answering the questions of users via the Internet OR Internet-based Reference Service OR “Ask-AN-Expert” (“AskA” services, are Internet-based Q&A services that connect users with individuals who possess specialized subject or skill expertise. As opposed to static Web pages, DRS use the Internet to place people in contact with people who can answer specific questions and instruct users on developing certain skills. Current DRS offer 2 main types of expertise-subject matter (providing mostly factual information) and process (providing mostly resource referral and instruction).
4. Quality of DRS according to VRF Accessible- or web-based query forms Fast turnaround – e.g. 100% within 1-2 working days Clear response policy Interactive – e.g. real-time reference interviews Instructive – guide users in subject knowledge and information literacy, provide pointers, path, tools, problem- solving processes Authoritative Training – to prepare experts Private Reviewed Publicize
5. Developments of DRS A) Describe the services offered Types of questions handles, not handled Frequency the mailbox is checked Response time Confidentiality Priorities Others: how statistics are kept how service is evaluated
5. Development of DRS (cont.) B) Web Forms Internet Public Library (IPL) Opened in 1995 Hosted by University of Michigan School of Information, Joe James with 35 library students and 2 computer science students to build the framework Over 10,000 patrons each day Receives questions a day Patrons submit questions via web form or , software system QRC, Quirk Staff and volunteers pick questions to answer, sent answers back via Questions sent to archive, message tracking history
Development of DRS (cont.) C) Video Conferencing – VCIrvine Apple VideoPhone Kit - software - camera - microphone - color conferencing capability - fast connection to the Internet - Timbuktn program (a document sharing capability allowing the librarian to log into the same Medline session as the remote user Audio, video, chat window, whiteboard Students’ comments : excited about this high-tech, demand document delivery of full-text articles
Development of DRS (cont.) D) Ask a service Virtual Reference Desk VRF
Development of DRS (cont.) E) Real-time Reference Service About 30 academic & research libraries, government public libraries They use 20 different real-time digital chatting software E.g. NOLA Regional library system in Ohio, uses e share software on its AskUsquestions.com - 14 libraries participate Qs a week - an operator can handler up to 6 patrons at a time - staff can push pre-composed presentations Show Live Person
Development of DRS (cont.) F) Collaborative Digital Reference service Initiated by Library of Congress Provides professional reference service to users anywhere, anytime, through an international digital reference of libraries Include libraries, consortia, museums, “Ask-a” and Expert Services e.g. Cornell University, National Library of Canada, National Library of Australia Three Pilot Phases starting Feb Resource Databases : member profiles (e.g. hours, collections, patron groups, staff strength) Knowledge Base of Q & As. Conceptual Flow of Q & A
Development of DRS (cont.) G) Commercial Services Ask Jeeves Allexperts.com Information Please Know’Post Experts Exchange Inforstry Webhelp.com