Standards IV and VI
Possible Artifacts: School Improvement Plan School Improvement Team North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey Student Achievement Data Professional Development Student Work National Board Certification PTA Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Lesson Plans Student Dropout Data Artifact – A product resulting from a teacher’s work (a natural by-product, not a newly created document) Definitions 2
Developing – Demonstrated adequate growth but did not demonstrate competence on standard(s) of performance (Awareness) Proficient – Demonstrated basic competence on standard(s) for performance (Knows how to do) Accomplished – Exceeded basic competence on standard(s) of performance most of the time (Does it above and beyond) Performance Rating Scale 3
Distinguished – Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence on standard(s) of performance (Outside the classroom; doing all the time and teaching others to how to do it) Not Demonstrated – Did not demonstrate competence on, or adequate growth toward, achieving standard(s) of performance [NOTE: If the “Not Demonstrated” rating is used, the evaluator must comment about why it was used.] 4 Performance Rating Scale
Definitions School Executives – Principals and assistant principals licensed to work in North Carolina Self-assessment – Personal reflection about one’s professional practice to identify strengths and areas for improvement (conducted w/out input from others) Summary Evaluation Form – A composite assessment of the teacher’s performance based on the evaluation rubric and supporting evidence 5
TEACHER Evaluation Process 6
The Evaluation Process Orientation: Within two weeks of a teacher’s first day Must include rubric, policy & schedule of evaluation On Moodle and Wiki The teacher self-assessment: Uses the teacher rubric Is done by individual (without input from others) Used in developing IGP Used in pre and post conference discussions Due
Pre-Observation Conference A pre-observation conference must occur before any announced observations happen during the year. Discuss: self-assessment, PDP & lesson(s) to be observed Teacher will have written description of lesson for first observation Subsequent observations do not require a pre- observation conference 9
Observation(s) Formal observations occur over one complete lesson (a minimum of 45 minutes) Probationary teachers require 4 formal observations: 3 administrative, 1 peer Career status teachers (in their summative year of evaluation) must have three observations: at least 1 must be formal The first observation must be a formal, announced observation Subsequent observations may be unannounced Evaluator uses the rubric as a recording tool 10
Post Observation Conferences Must occur after each observation Must occur no later than 10 school days after the observation Designed for the purpose of identifying areas of strength and those in need of improvement Requires review and signature of rubric 11
Summary Evaluation Conference Bring Self Assessment & PDP Review Observations Discuss Additional Artifacts Sign Summary Rating Form Begin discussion for future goals 12
Summary Rating Form Every element for every standard is marked (not demonstrated requires comment) Ratings are based on formal and informal observations throughout the year Overall rating for each standard is chosen by the evaluator after reviewing all of the elements within a standard. Comments can be added from evaluator or the teacher. Signatures required on the final page. 13
Professional Development Plans Teachers who are rated as “Proficient” or higher on all Standards will develop an Individual Growth Plan Teachers who are rated as “Developing” on any Standard will be placed on a Monitored Growth Plan Teachers who are rated as “Not Demonstrated” on any Standard or has a rating of “Developing” for two sequential years will be placed on a Directed Growth Plan (meets GS requirements of an action plan) Cannot be used w/ any teacher being recommended for dismissal, demotion or nonrenewal 14
Evidence Opinion observable & specific not influenced by the observer’s perspective objective unambiguous draws conclusions influenced by the observer’s perspective subjective may be subject to debate 15
Why Report Evaluations to DPI? U.S. Department of Education Requirement: States must report on the percentage of teachers and principals that fall into each category of their evaluation instruments. Categories=Standards ( I, II, III, IV, and V) Rubric= Elements and Indicators (I-a, I-b, etc.)
How do we Report Evaluations to DPI? Using the On-Line Evaluation Program, Craven County’s results will be automatically calculated for each standard.
On-Line calculation will help determine Human Resource requirements and staff development priorities for district and local school sites. This will meet federal requirements for each teacher and principal while impacting student achievement.
The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable progress for students based on established performance expectations using appropriate data to demonstrate growth. TEACHERS CONTRIBUTE TO THE ACADEMIC SUCCESS OF STUDENTS.
Phase I: Beginning in the School Year Local education agencies will be required to measure growth for all teachers and principals. There must be at least two student growth measures used to evaluate each teacher or principal on the NC Educator Evaluation System (NCEES). *Pending NC State Board Approval
ABCs growth measures (growth and proficiency) EVAAS results pre- and post-course test measures aligned with the relevant State Standard Course of Study goals and objectives, or one of the other measures currently being explored in individual LEAs Student growth measures must be pre-approved by the State Board of Education and may include the following:
Renaissance Place (STAR Math, STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reading for grades K-8) ABC measures for grades 4-8 (growth made by class in each tested subject). EVAAS for grades 4-12 EOG/EOC. VOCATS for CTE ACCESS and AMAO for ESL Students Possible Performance Measures For Craven County Teachers…
Pre and post-tests and other measures can provide student growth measures when state assessments and/or baseline data from which to measure growth are not available. Over the next year, fifty teacher work groups will design measures of growth for non-tested grades and subjects. A vendor will advise the Teacher Effectiveness Work Group on the selection of a student growth model Upon recommendation of the Teacher Effectiveness Work Group, there will be standardized measures of growth for all subjects in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for school year 2012 – 2013 and beyond. What about teachers whose students are not formally tested: Art, PE, Foreign Languages, ROTC, etc?
The evaluation cycle for career teachers will be shortened. Teachers will receive a full evaluation every three years instead of the current range of five years. There will be “abbreviated evaluations” for the two years between every full evaluation that would consist of Standard 4 (teachers facilitate learning for their students) and the proposed new Standard 6 (teachers contribute to the academic success of students). Standard 6 has been approved by the SBE. The Revised Evaluation Cycle
Remember “Continuous Improvement” Category 7.0: RESULTS Classroom performance results are improving compared to past performance results. Classroom performance is improving as compared to similar classrooms.