The CREMLIN Project Facts and features of the upcoming European-Russian Project on Collaboration in „Megascience“ Martin Sandhop Moscow, 24 June 2015 Lucie.


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Presentation transcript:

The CREMLIN Project Facts and features of the upcoming European-Russian Project on Collaboration in „Megascience“ Martin Sandhop Moscow, 24 June 2015 Lucie Linssen July 17th 2015 Highlighting the CERN participation

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 2 CREMLIN Project: About > Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures (CREMLIN) > Submitted: > : green light by European Commission; excellent marks > Grant Agreement signed April 2015 > CSA-Project (Cooperation and Support Action) under Horizon 2020 > Duration: 3 years > Coordinator: DESY; Russian key partner: NRC “Kurchatov Institute” > Budget: ~1.7M€ > Project (“action”) start: 1 September 2015 > Launch & Opening Conference: 7 – 8 October 2015, Moscow

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 3 Context situation > CREMLIN also to contribute to trust-building between EU and Russia in times of complicated relations in an general sense of science diplomacy > “(…) Russia is a very active scientific partner of the EU. It is still a welcome partner in Horizon 2020 projects. We are working to maintain this important bridge to Russia, preserving a precious link through the common language and ideals of science.“ (Carlos Moedas - Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, 1 June 2015, Washington)

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 4 Background > Russian „Megascience“ initiative > Report of the Expert Group on the assessment of EU cooperation with six Russian Megascience Projects (November 2013) > Recommendation to „provide networking links and (…) resources in order to pursue individual collaborations, to arrange workshops, and to facilitate the exchange of staff in both directions“ > Horizon 2020: Work Programme , Call INFRASUPP-6

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 5 Objectives > Intensify Scientific-technical cooperation Europe-Russia in the context of large-scale research infrastructures > Better align the Russian „Megascience“projects to European RIs; open them for European users > Establish specific European-Russian science policy dialogue platforms > Synergetically use the expertise of the German-Russian Ioffe Röntgen Institute > Draw up 5 dedicated roadmaps for the EU-Russia science cooperation in the context of the upcoming „megascience“ projects > Link Russian projects to European e-infrastructure initiatives

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 6 PAGE 6 Helmut Dosch Ioffe Röntgen Institute Joint Research - e.g. German- Russian Calls Joint Education - e.g. RACIRI Summer Schools Joint Infrastructure Development - e.g. CREMLIN Project - e.g. German-Russian Beamlines - e.g. KIT+INR: KATRIN

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 7 Consortium European RIs  Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY (DE) <= coordinator  Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (DE)  Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH FAIR (DE)  Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH (DE)  Technische Universität München TUM (DE)  European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH European XFEL (DE)  Institute Laue-Langevin ILL (FR)  European Spallation Source ESS (SE)  European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF (FR)  Extreme-Light-Infrastructure Delivery Consortium AISBL ELI (BE)  Lasers, Interactions and Dynamics Laboratory ´(LIDyL) CEA (FR)  CERN (CH)  Lunds Universitet MAX IV Laboratory (SE)

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 8 Consortium Russian RIs  National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” NRC KI  Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” PNPI  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research JINR Dubna (inter-governmental organisation)  Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences IAP RAS  Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics BINP  Institute of Crystallography RAS IC RAS

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 9 Russian Projects > CREMLIN targets at all 6 (5) Russian megascience projects:  Scientific and Research Reactor Complex PIK at PNPI Gatchina  Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility NICA at JINR Dubna  Fourth Generation Special-purpose Synchrotron Radiation Source SSRS-4, NRC “Kurchatov Institute” Moscow  Exawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies XCELS, IAP Nizhniy Novgorod  Super Tau-Charm Factory STC, BINP Novosibirsk  (IGNITOR Tokamak Fusion Reactor, initiated by NRC Kurchatov Institute)

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 10 Landscape Russian Megascience

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 11 CREMLIN Structure

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 12 Work Packages I: ´Horizontal´ WPs  WP1: Project management CREMLIN DESY  WP2: Exchange Platform DESY; NRC KI Provide a mutual learning platform on e.g. internationalisation, open access,.. Invite IGNITOR to benefit from findings Support science-to-policy interface Establish links to other EU-Russian STI cooperation frameworks  WP8: Communication and dissemination; innovation; education & training NRC KI; DESY; ILL; ESS Provide a project website Journalists´ trip to NICA; PIK Explore potentials for innovation, industrial use and technology transfer around the Russian projects Organise thematic summer schools such as RACIRI

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 13 Work Packages II: ´Thematic´ WPs  WP3: Science cooperation with the NICA collider facility in the field of ion beams and heavy ion physics FAIR; JINR Joint development of components for a Silicon Tracking System for both FAIR (CBM) and NICA (MPD) Cooperation on accelerator components Recommendations for improved attractiveness of research capabilities of the world-class NICA facility  Attract more scientists from EU countries to join MPD collaborations  Improved infrastructure for guest scientists

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 14 Work Packages II: ´Thematic´ WPs  WP4: Science Cooperation with the PIK research reactor in the field of neutron sources Jülich; PNPI; plus: HZG; TUM; ILL; ESS Mapping the needs of the European neutron community / integrate PIK into European neutron landscape efficiently Working out the Instrumentation Concept for the PIK Reactor Education & Trainee Programme Data Management User System

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 15 Work Packages II: ´Thematic´ WPs  WP5: Science cooperation with the SSRS-4 synchrotron radiation source in the field of photon science ESRF; NRC KI; plus European XFEL; IC RAS; Lund MAX IV Explore the needs of the Russian and European photon science user community Explore technical capabilities  Find pathways towards a CDR Identify candidate facility Develop concepts on Big Data Management in photon science Internationalisation; access & user policy; governance

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 16 Work Packages II: ´Thematic´ WPs  WP6: Science cooperation with XCELS in the field of high power laser research ELI-DC; IAP; plus CEA Map research interests and needs of EU and Russian partners for cooperation in XCELS Refine international standards for access, user policy, governance of future large laser facilities International access; user and governance policy for XCELS Round table on legal, practictal, political, financial issues for XCELS as a pan-European RI Involve European industry

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 17 Work Packages II: ´Thematic´ WPs  WP7: Science cooperation with the Super tau-charm factory STC in the field of lepton colliders CERN; BINP Overview of technological requirements and R&D progress linking EU and worldwide know-how to STC Foster internationalisation and joint research for STC Data throughput and large data management in the field of lepton colliders

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 18 CREMLIN set-up at a glance

Martin Sandhop| The CREMLIN Project| 24 June 2015 | Page 19 Thank you very much!