Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU Dr. Frans von der Dunk Director Space Law Research International Institute of Air and Space Law
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne What is ‘industrial policy’? The twins of ‘policy’ and ‘law’ ‘Industrial policy’: Stimulates industrial economic development Curbs potential negative effects Social, political, security-wise, environmental Drafts legal texts to frame & support The ‘space industry’ in Europe
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne Industrial policy in the EC/EU - 1 Focus on legal/institutional aspects Tools: Regulations, Directives, Decisions Internal Market Focus: market & private enterprise Free movement goods, services, persons, capital Competition regime –Cartels, monopolies, state aids Harmonisation External competence
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne Industrial policy in the EC/EU - 2 General aims EC law/EU Economic & social progress; improvement living & working conditions Balanced development economic activities; high level employment & social protection; sustainable growth; competitiveness; environmental protection; standard of living & quality of life; cohesion & solidarity Including space…?
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne Industrial policy in ESA - 1 Focus on technical/operational aspects – of space activities Tools: mandatory & optional programmes Aims industrial policy Cost-effectivity; world-wide competitiveness; using existing industrial potential Europe; preference for European industry; equitable member state participation; exploitation advantages competitive bidding
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne Industrial policy in ESA - 2 N.B.: Industrial policy ESA &/or m/s… ‘Geographical distribution’ Preference for industry & organisations member states, resp. member states participating in a programme Derogation only by Council determination ‘Fair return’ ‘Ideal’ = return coefficient of 1 Some weighting possible
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne The Clash… Internal Market principles vs. ‘Geographical distribution’ So far de facto justified by overriding European interests accepted even by EC Is that changing now…? EC solution: bring ESA & activities in ESA Sway of Commission phase out fair return “Don’t throw away the baby with the bathwater…” ESA expertise & flexible system very valuable
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne My solution EU member of ESA Precedents…! Not two captains on one spaceship… …but one captain and one additional member of the shipping company board! EU takes space policy initiative Involvement & investment optional programme (ESA as instrument of industrial policy) Introduce competition on EU contribution
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne Visualising solution (1) Fair return Mk. I Fair return Mk. II State A State B State C State D Companies of State A Companies of State B Companies of State C (Ditto) State A State B EU State C Companies of State A Companies of State B Companies of EU choice (Ditto)
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne Visualising solution (2) EU portion Open competition ‘Second chance’ Favour ‘European Companies’ Favour SME’s Flexible : “as competencies & activities grow, so does competition” Fair return Mk. III EU Companies of EU choice
Perspectives for a Harmonised Industrial Policy of ESA and EU INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AIR AND SPACE LAW Project Conference, Cologne Towards a bright future? Basis EU & ESA not dissimilar N.B.: Framework Agreement Does include option EU as member ESA… …but does not elaborate… …and creates uncertainties... …as well as institutional complexity (Galileo!) Use fair return to implement competition & harmonise industrial policy by increment!