Communication skills Test
You can judge your communication skills by answering strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree or strongly disagree.
StatementStrongly AgreeAgree NeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I can detect the mood of others by looking at them as we converse.
I tend to do most of the talking in conversations.
I am able to resolve problems without losing control of my emotions.
I find it easy to see things from someone else's point of view.
When talking to people, I pay attention to their body language (ex. facial expression, hand movement, etc.).
I find myself struggling to find the right words that will clearly express what I want to say.
I can tell when someone doesn’t understand what I’m saying.
I am completely at ease when a conversation shifts to the topic of feelings.
I manage to express my ideas clearly.
When I talk to someone, I put myself in his or her shoes.
I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words.
People don't get what I am saying.
I fidget (e.g. play with hair, watch, pen) while listening to someone talking.
I find it hard to express my feelings to others.
I tend to postpone or avoid discussing touchy topics.
I have to repeat myself often because people don’t understand my message the first time around.
If I don’t understand someone’s explanation the first time around, I feel stupid asking for clarification.
I am able to confront someone who has hurt my feelings.
I tend to clam up when dealing with someone I find intimidating.
I find it difficult to understand people when they don’t have the same point of view as I do.
I change the way I talk depending on who I’m speaking (e.g. speak more clearly with someone whose first language isn’t English; speak more professionally when in a meeting at work, etc.).
I express my opinions, even if others disagree with me.
If I have something relevant to add, I’ll interrupt someone to make certain my views are heard.
When other people become emotional around me, I’m not sure how to react.
People complain that I don't appear to be listening when they speak to me.
If I find a conversation boring, I’ll let my mind drift away.
I am uncomfortable if I’m not leading the conversation (e.g. choosing the topic, controlling the pace).
I will stop a speaker in mid-sentence if I disagree with a statement he or she has made.
I become defensive when I am being criticized.
I am aware of my emotional reactions to what is being said in a conversation.