1 The Nature of Competition Sharon Kay Stoll, Ph.D. Center for ETHICS* University of Idaho Right Wrong Right The ethical maze
2 What is Competition? The Ethical Maze
3 Competition The one quality that has made America great...motivates to be discontented with status quo and being second best. The one quality that has made America great...motivates to be discontented with status quo and being second best. The Ethical Maze
4 Is competition... nonmoral or moral? The Ethical Maze
6 What is moral or nonmoral? The Ethical Maze
7 What is Moral? All human motives, intentions, and actions that deal with, impinge on, and affect others. Decisions of moral value. A good man, a good person, a good act..
8 What is Nonmoral? Not having to do with moral issues, decisions about nonmoral values, a good dress, a good house, a good time. The Ethical Maze
9 So...Is competition moral or nonmoral?.... The Ethical Maze
10 Competition Should NOT and can not be concerned with MORALITY! The Ethical Maze
11 Competition in a Nonmoral Sense The seeking after something of value, to the exclusion of others, while following agreed upon rules. J ames Keating, Philosopher The Ethical Maze
12 Competition is essentially selfish... It has to be... It is totally egotistical and essentially objective: The whole point is to "destroy, humiliate, trample, run-off, take out of the game." Division I, Linebacker The Nonmoral Competitor? The Ethical Maze
13 "Everybody Else Does it, Doc!" The Ethical Maze
14 Doc, It's nothing personal! Besides..... Whose Values are right? Isn't everything relative? The Ethical Maze
15 The Nonmoral Perspective I ain't doing nothing to help the other guy...I need to kick him in the head, knee him in the groin, and take him out of the game, so I can play number two. Anything for the "W". Division I, Athlete The Ethical Maze
16 The art of pushing rules to the limit, using dubious methods, without getting caught. So is Competition essentially Gamesmanship? The Ethical Maze
17 Should Competition be Moral? The Ethical Maze
18 Competition: The Expressive Function of Sport Distinguish Competition as it is actually carried out from Competition as it OUGHT to be carried out The Ethical Maze
19 Competition... A mutual quest for excellence through challenge Competition... A mutual quest for excellence through challenge The Ethical Maze
20 "Winning for player or spectator is not simply outscoring; it is a way of talking about betterment, about making oneself, one's fellows, one's city, one's adherents, more noble because of a temporary engagement of a higher human plane of existence." A. Bartlett Giamatti "Winning for player or spectator is not simply outscoring; it is a way of talking about betterment, about making oneself, one's fellows, one's city, one's adherents, more noble because of a temporary engagement of a higher human plane of existence." A. Bartlett Giamatti The Ethical Maze
21 Two divergent views of competition..... The Ethical Maze
22 The Perception of Sport MoralNonmoral MOTIVES Good Bad Excellent PlayWin-At-All-Costs INTENTIONS Good Bad Deceitful Strategy Good Game Strategy ACTION RightWrong Purpose: Take out of game, do physical, emotional, mental harm. Purpose: Establish dominance through excellence SportsmanshipGamesmanship The Ethical Maze
23 What is sportsmanship? The Ethical Maze
24 The Ethical Maze
25 Sportsmanship: The moral concept that all participants in sport, including fans, coaches, and athletes are honor bound to follow both the explicit rules of the game and the implied spirit of the rules. The Ethical Maze
26 The Ethical Maze
27 Does sportsmanship/fair play have anything to do with ethics? The Ethical Maze
28 Ethics = Professional Standards & Rules The Ethical Maze
29 The Ethical Maze
30 Do the ends justify the means.....? The Ethical Maze
31 Why are ethical standards important? The Ethical Maze
32 Should We Want To Make Money? The Ethical Maze
33 Is Money Evil? The Ethical Maze
34 How do we weigh the nonmoral value of making money and the purpose of competition? The Ethical Maze
35 How do you decide if your values conflict? The Ethical Maze
36 Have you: Developed your personal principles? The Ethical Maze
37 What do you value? List the values. Choose the three most important. Put them into negative form. Decide your exceptions. The Ethical Maze
38 What strategies do you practice to support your principles? The Ethical Maze
39 Have you: Developed a professional code of ethics? Ethics.. The Ethical Maze
40 1. Walk the Talk 2. Think Before Your React 3. Expect the Same From Others... Do you Model your code of ethics? The Ethical Maze
41 The Center for ETHICS* Is available to help you Workshops 2. Presentations 3. Consultation 4. Graduate Study The Ethical Maze