You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © 'Safer Internet Day' 2015 Let’s create a better Internet together.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © What is 'Safer Internet Day'? 'Safer Internet Day’ happens every year in February. This year is the twelfth 'Safer Internet Day’. It takes places across the world on Tuesday 10 February 2015.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © 'Safer Internet Day' 2015 The topic is: 'Let's create a better internet together'. It is about how we use the internet in a positive way.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © 'Let's create a better internet together'. This year’s topic covers includes all users of the Internet thinking about how to make the online world a better place: Children and young people Parents and carers Teachers and schools
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © What are some of the ways that the Internet becomes an unsafe place to be..?
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Bullying Online The Internet has negative aspects too and you need to know what to do if something happens that you feel uncomfortable about, such as: Cyber-bullying
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Stranger Danger The Internet has negative aspects too and you need to know what to do if something happens that you feel uncomfortable about, such as: Communications from strangers
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Two Negative Ways the Internet is Used We have talked about: Cyber-bullying Strangers using it to communicate with us
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © How can you make the online world a better Internet for everyone? You could play online games… But have you ever thought about using the Internet to find websites where you can make your own?!
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © How can you make the online world a better Internet for everyone? Download books and read them… Could you ask an adult to help you write a review to post online? By doing this, other children might be encouraged to read them!
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © How can you make the online world a better Internet for everyone? Are you musical? Are you interested in music? Well, you could download and use apps to create songs and music to share with friends and family.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © How can you make the online world a better Internet for everyone? Use it for research! Look up information about topics you are learning about in school. Use it to research other things you are interested in, like your hobbies.
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © Have a think… Can you think of one or two positive ways you might use the Internet?
You must be an E-safety Support member to use these resources in your school. © How do I find out more about 'Safer Internet Day' 2014 'Safer Internet Day' on the 10 th February is an important day for creating a better Internet for everyone. To find out more, we can visit the 'Safer Internet Day' website which has lots wealth of information about the day.. The address is:
The competition is open to all children at Torrisholme Your poster should be designed on plain A4 sized paper and can be portrait or landscape Your poster should include a slogan or message about staying safe on the internet You might like to use the Safer internet slogan ‘Let’s create a better internet together’ or their logo Think about how you will make your message and any pictures clear, so they stand out Posters should be posted in the box in the entrance by Wednesday 25 th February and the winner will be announced on Friday 27 th February