Get Involved Tuesday Lunch Time. Take part in blind football. Wednesday Lunch Time. The Politics Debate including Mr Smith. v Mr Buckman. Thursday Lunch Time Room 101 charity show. The Election Don’t forget to vote. This week Holyfield will be holding a mock election across the school, with our year 12 politics students to represent the main political parties.. We hope as many as possible get involved and enjoy what should be an exciting event. Lessons. Many of your lessons will highlight and celebrate diversity in our school.
SMSC Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education form bites A Copy of all activities can be found on the shared drive in the SMSC folder.
Activity Draw one of the following: A Model Footballer Athlete Doctor’s receptionist Construction Worker Engineer Beauty Therapist
A Model Dawn French has her own clothing range which she models. Jean-Paul Gaultier shook the modelling world in 2006 using outsized models.
Footballers Women’s England Football Team The F.A. supports six international disability squads for players with differing kinds of disabilities. These are: Blind, Partially Sighted, Deaf and Hearing Impaired, Cerebral Palsy, Learning Disabilities, Amputee. The teams all receive official England kit, a physio, a fully- trained technical advisor, and money towards travel costs for attending European and World Championships.
Athlete Tanni Grey Thomson 9 Gold Medals in the Paralympics, 30 world records 6 London Marathons Sumo Wrestling A competitive contact sport which originated in Japan the only country where it is practiced professionally.
Doctor’s Receptionist Frank
Construction Worker Samantha
Engineer Gemma is an Engineer working for BT Wang Shuming is a disabled engineer working for the Jinlin branch of China Netcom
Beauty Therapist Kurt
Diversity is about respecting individual………….. Race Culture National Origin Region Gender Sexual Orientation Age ………..and much more
Positive Discrimination – giving advantage to groups ie ethnic, sex, disability etc Discussion!! Should we have positive discrimination in area which are not showing diversity eg –football ?
If you experience discrimination Don’t put up with it! Talk to someone – parent, friend, Teacher Don’t retaliate. Report it.