Texas Revolution Project James “Jim” Bowie BY: Morgan Cook
Early Life Jim bowie was born on April 1796 in Logan County, Kentucky. Jim has 10 siblings and he was the ninth one born. Jim Bowies parents were Reason and Elve Ap- catesby Bowie. Jim Bowie had a very good education it is known that he could speak English, French, and Spanish. Jim had light colored hair, keen grey eyes, fair complexion, and high cheek bones that is how his brother described him.
Adulthood Jim married Juan Martin’s daughter, Ursula de veramendi but he lied about his age and property values. Jim had two children. Jim established a slave trading business.
Role During the Texas Revolution Jim Bowies role in the Texas Revolution was to be one of the commanders of the expedition. Smith and Houston asked Jim to command the expedition and he did. The other commanders were Johnson, and Fannin.
Final Years Jim died in San Antonio, Texas on March 6,1836 in the Alamo. Jim was ill with pneumonia and was laying in bed when the Mexican army attacked the Alamo. The Mexican soldiers killed him by shooting him. Jim Bowie was only forty years old when he died. Jim Bowie is important to Texas history because he was one of the leaders in the Grass Fight and The Battle of Conception.
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