Day 1
WW II 1939 King Ghazi dies and his brother Abdulihhah rules as regent Pan-Arabist- a movement to create independent Arab states in the Middle East Neighboring states encouraged Iraq to cut ties w/ Britain and begin discussion w/ the Axis powers
King Ghazi
1941 revolt against Abdullah;Britain sent troops to Iraq to protect oil and re-install a more moderate gov’t 1947 Bankrupt British pullout and USA, under Truman moved in to secure oil for USA economy and prevent the Russians from developing a sphere of influence
The 1950’s 1947 Britain, a USA ally pulls out of Iraq Formation of the state of Israel recognized by USA and USSR The initial war Iraq sent 15,000 troops defeat Soviet Union and USSR hoped to take British place in Iraq US economy dependent on oil Pan Arab Nationalism still exist and accounts for some resentment towards Isreal and other nations
Domestic Politics and Oil Oil money in the 1950’s available to gov’t officials Nuri al-Said built a pro-western power base through a political machine Formed the Constitutional Union Party called Hizb al Ittihad Al Dusturi Bulit support through influential families rather than democracy
Nuri al-Said and Prince Abdullah
Constitutional Union Party wins a majority in 1953 Nuri al-Said appointed minister of defense and tries to build an army dependent to the state Senior officers supported Nuri however younger officers formed anti-gov’t group called the Free Officers
Suex Crisis Nasser head of Egypt hoped to create a pan-arab state 1956 lost British and USA $ for improvement projects for dealing in Soviet arms British, French, and Israel attack after threats to nationalize canal USA intervenes over Communist fears and western nations withdraw Nasser seen as hero and Free Officers demonstrated against Nuri-alSaid and pro western monarchy
Harvard Outline pg 47-52
Revolt of ‘Abd al-Karim Qasim and a group of military officers formed the supreme committee Egypt and Syria announce the formation of the United Arab Republic Iraq and Jordan announce Arab Union July 13 troops ordered to Jordan to support Hashemite family The coup resented the monarchy’s participation in the British dominated Middle East Treaty Organization Revololution in Baghdad executionof Nuri Al-Said, King Faisal
New Gov’t and Unrest Qasim becomes prime minister, minister of defense, and commander in chief favored strong independent Iraq Colonel Abd al-Salam Arif took other leaderships roles and favor joining UAR Qasim crushed opposition using force and rewarded his supporters
Political Parties Iraqi Communist Party: team up w/ Qasim party members mainly Shia and Kurds Baath (Renaisance) Party: Arab nationalist small secretive group March and July 1959 Qasim crushed a Baath attempt to destroy communist party in Mosul and Krikuk Baath Party decided to gain support by trying to assassinating Qasim 22 year old Saddam Hussein escaped to Egypt
Harvard Outline Pg 52-59
Qasim’s downfall 1961 Kuwait independence and the Arab League 1963 Kurdish/Baath rebelion leads to execution of Qasim and appointnment of Abd al-Salam Arif Ba’ath party executed educated elite in an attempt to prevent internal opposition Ba’ath party actions angered Soviet’s who suspended military aid to Iraq. USA stepped in and provided weapons to keep down insurgency especially against Kurdish rebels in the North
Al-Bakr and Hussein Arif died and brother, General Abd al Rahman Arif, held presidency for 2 years and negotiated a cease fire w/ the Kurds 1968 Baath party under Al-Bakr and Al-Nayif over threw President Arif Broke w/ military and executed opponets
Iran and the Kurds Placed Hussein in charge of militia Nationalized oil and modernized Iraq Iran, the Kurds in Kirkuk, and the Shatt Al Arab 1975 Kuurds lost war 50,000 kurds moved to desert and Hussein develops as muscle man in Iraq w/ Al- Bakr’s being the public face. Politcs outside of the Baath party punishable by death
Harvard Outline Other Lands Have Dream Pg 13-29
Day 4
Kathy Kelly
Day 5 1 page paper Write a 1 page typed history of Iraq from Post on Wiki 5 things you learned from Kathy Kelly about Iraq
SOAPS Primary Source 28-2 Kennedy’s Inaugural address
1/2 page per question persuasive response The United States was pledge to reduce the Soviet Union’s power, anywhere in the world. After reading Kennedy’s inaugural address and considering the information you know about the 1958 revolution. What do you think the USA role in Iraq will be in the 1960’s. Support your Answer
Revolution 1959 CIA backed assassination attempt on Qasim by the Ba’ath party left conspirator Saddam Hussein wounded 1963 Ba’ath rebellion –Ba’ath party executed educated elite in an attempt to prevent internal opposition –Ba’ath party actions angered Soviet’s who suspended military aid to Iraq. –USA stepped in and provided weapons to keep down insurgency especially against Kurdish rebels in the North