Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) Data Validation Inbrief program Facilities site name date
2 Agenda Introductions Objective Measure of Success Validation Process FIMS Data Elements and Performance Measures Reviewed Schedule Rating Charts Deliverables Issues/Questions
3 Validation Team –Name, Organization Introductions
4 Gage the robustness of the FIMS data –Validate that asset data is being identified and captured correctly in FIMS –Confirm a 90% confidence level of accuracy of the asset data –Generate recommendations for FIMS data improvement Macro-Level –Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) data requirements –The Department’s financial reports Micro-Level –Transfer validation technique to sites –Support Site Facility Improvement Programs –Enhance TYSP development Objective
5 We will be successful if we –Review/validate a statistically random set of FIMS owned building/trailer/OSF assets –Review/validate 100% of all DOE leases –Review/validate no more than 25 land assets –Review/validate no more than 25 disposed assets –Generate either agreement (or documented disagreement) why a specific element in a FIMS record is accurate or inaccurate –Walkthrough a set of the random buildings/trailers/OSF and examine condition and utilization –Understand how FIMS data is being maintained and managed –Document other notable facts and data –Develop recommendations to correct any identified deficiencies Measure of Success
6 Validation Process Paper review of a random sample of owned records, DOE lease records and land records –FRPC data elements in FIMS –Other critical FIMS data elements –Review of source documents comparing source document values with FIMS values Other review procedures –Perform limited building/trailer/OSF walkthroughs –Interview / discussions with FIMS administrators –For sites that have bridges, verify bridge safety inspections meet required inspection frequencies
7 FIMS Data Elements and Performance Measures Reviewed For DOE Owned Assets Ownership Usage Code Property Type Status Size –Gross Sqft (buildings and trailers) –Primary Qty (OSF) Asset % Utilized (buildings and trailers) Replacement Plant Value Deferred Maintenance Operating Cost (site level) and Annual Actual Maintenance (asset level) Mission Dependency Historic Designation Using Organization Main Location Location City/State/County/Zip Code Location Congressional District Excess Indicator Estimated Disposition Year Total No of Federal Employees (buildings and trailers) Total No of Contractor Employees (buildings and trailers) Total No of Other Personnel (buildings and trailers) Total No of Occupants (buildings and trailers) Outgrant Indicator Initial Acquisition Cost Total Adjustment Cost Inspection Date GREEN – Performance Measures
8 FIMS Data Elements and Performance Measures Reviewed For DOE Owned Assets Roads – Public Access Miles Roads – Public Access Lane Miles Hours of Operation Per Week Sustainability (buildings/trailers) Year Built Year Acquired Meters Determination Date for DOE Disposal GSA Notification Submitted GSA Notification Accepted
9 FIMS Data Elements and Performance Measures Reviewed For DOE Leased/GSA Assets Ownership Usage Code Property Type Status Size –Rentable Sqft (buildings and trailers) –Primary Qty (OSF) Asset % Utilized (buildings and trailers) Replacement Plant Value Annual Actual Maintenance Mission Dependency Using Organization Main Location Location City/State/County/Zip Code Location Congressional District Estimated Disposition Year* Total No of Federal Employees (buildings and trailers) Total No of Contractor Employees (buildings and trailers) Total No of Other Personnel (buildings and trailers) Total No of Occupants (buildings and trailers) Outgrant Indicator* Inspection Date* Hours of Operation Per Week* Meters* Expiration Date Annual Rent Lease Authority* Year Built* GREEN – Performance Measures* Validated for DOE Leased Only
10 FIMS Data Elements and Performance Measures Reviewed For Land Assets GREEN – Performance Measures Ownership Usage Code Property Type Status Size –Acreage Mission Dependency Historic Designation (owned only) Using Organization Main Location Location City/State/County/Zip Code Location Congressional District Excess Indicator Estimated Disposition Year Outgrant Indicator Expiration Date (leases only) Annual Rent (leases only) Lease Authority (leases only) Year Acquired
11 FIMS Data Elements and Performance Measures Reviewed For Disposed Assets Disposition Date Disposition Method Net Proceeds
12 Schedule Tuesday (replace with appropriate day) –Inbrief –Extract data from FMIS to be validated –Desktop validation for DOE owned, DOE leased, Land assets, and disposed assets –Review bridge safety inspection records, if applicable –Arrange walkthroughs Wednesday (replace with appropriate day) –Complete desktop validation –Perform walkthroughs –Perform existing asset check –Verify dispositions –Finalize validation forms and Scorecard –Outbrief A third day may be needed for larger sites
13 Data Element Rating System A variance is a difference of 10% or more for numeric data or any difference for non-numeric data. Red, yellow and green ratings are assigned to each data element based on the frequency of material variance in the random sample: –RED >10% frequency of material variance –YELLOW >5% frequency of material variance but no more than 10% frequency of material variance –GREEN – 5% or less frequency of material variance
14 Rating of Status An overall Status rating of RED i s received if: –One or more of the performance measures result in a red status –Or, two or more of the other data elements are red Historic designation, property type, status, etc. A rating of YELLOW is received if: –Any performance measure is yellow –Or, any one data element is red A status rating of GREEN is received if: –All performance measures are green –And no red data elements Performance Measures: RPV, Deferred Maintenance, Asset % Utilized, Operating Cost (site level) and Annual Actual Maintenance
15 Rating of Progress RED – indication that red status will not improve or yellow status will decline –Lack of attention and urgency –Corrective action plan not being met YELLOW – indication that limited, positive efforts are being taken that may improve the data –Insufficient attention being given –Corrective action plan in place but progress is slipping GREEN – results-oriented plan in place with goals and necessary resources –Clear level of attention and demonstrated sense of urgency –Frequency of material variance is going down –Typically, a site that is green in status by default is green in progress
16 Deliverables One Scorecard report of key findings / recommendations for DOE owned buildings/trailers/OSF’s One Scorecard report of key findings / recommendations for DOE leased and GSA assets (if applicable) One Scorecard report of key findings / recommendations for Land leased assets (if applicable) One Scorecard report of key findings / recommendations for DOE dispositions between FY12 and FY14 (if applicable) Discussion of next steps
Issues / Questions? Inbrief